Early pregnancy symptoms in conclusion

Early pregnancy symptoms in conclusion
Last week we looked at a second assortment of early pregnancy symptoms. This week we will wrap it up with a conclusion of the early pregnancy symptoms. I hope you have found them to be informative and helpful.

Heartburn and constipation- Caused by the uterus starting to grow against the stomach and other organs. Increasing levels of hormones may also, slow down digestion and bowel functions so the body can better absorb nutrients and vitamins. Since the stomach is emptying more slowly, it can increase stomach acid to breakdown food, causing a feeling of heartburn. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating smaller more frequent meals can help ease these symptoms. Keeping yourself hydrated will help to keep you from suffering from constipation. Other explanations include: acid reflux disease, changes in diet, and illness.

Mood swings and irritability- You and your body are going through major changes. It is perfectly normal to experience a wide range of emotions during this time. Hormone changes also play a huge roll in your frequently changing moods. You may be laughing and smiling one minute, and sobbing and sad the next. Try to remember this won’t last long and usually eases in the second trimester as hormone levels become more stable. Having a good support network of family and friends is very helpful at this time. Other explanations include: PMS, depression, fatigue, and illness.

Higher than normal body temperature- If you have been trying to get pregnant, you may already know that taking your temperature is one way to gauge whether or not you may be pregnant. A slight raise in your temperature for roughly two weeks is normal in early pregnancy. A high raise in temperature or one that lasts for longer than two weeks is not. Other explanations include: illness or infection.

Lower back pain- Low back pain is caused by several factors. First is your weight change. Your weight is changing and your baby grows larger week by week. Also, your posture is thrown out of alignment. The weight is mostly in the front of your body, which pulls on your back. Adding more strain is your body getting ready for birth and your joints and ligaments are loosening up to make delivery possible. Unfortunately this is one of those pregnancy symptoms that doesn’t go away and may even get worse. If it becomes too much to bear, tell your doctor who can help you decide on a stomach support belt to help lift some of the baby weight. Other explanations include: muscle strain, back injury, and sleeping position.

Bloating and weight gain- While it may seem obvious, many women notice their clothes feel a bit tighter without realizing they could be pregnant. Even very early in pregnancy, your uterus is growing. Although the baby may be very tiny, the increased fluid and growing of your uterus is enough to make you notice a difference in how your clothes fit. This is an early pregnancy symptom that is obviously here to stay for the remainder of your pregnancy. Other explanations include: change in diet, change in level of exercise and fluid retention.

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