Lessons In Life

Lessons In Life
This week I lost my iPod, my best friend and my rosy bird. Three quite difficult things to lose yet I managed it.

My iPod was a gift from my son for my birthday. He bought me something I did not really need or want but I sulked and said ‘all I wanted was an iPod’ so he bought me one. Now I have lost it somewhere in the town or in the gym. I feel so guilty for making a fuss. I should have just been grateful for his gift and bought my own iPod.

My friend, who I have known for 30 years, has just disappeared. He is not answering his phone and I do not know where he could be, and I have no way of finding out at this moment. I keep thinking he is dead and why didn’t I phone him sooner.

My Rosy Bourke parakeet flew away this morning. I have no idea why she decided to take off on such a rainy day. She had flown at the windows several times in the past week, and the opportunity to leave at other times had been there, but today she decided to make her bid for freedom and she did.

I am trying to find a lesson in this story and I keep asking myself, what is it I am supposed to learn from this test?

I know everything happens because it is the will of God but I am responsible for my own mistakes and misfortunes.

Losing my iPod was my own fault, I should have been more careful with it. Losing my best friend is also my fault because I should have lifted the phone sooner. Rosy flew out of an open window in the bathroom. I forgot to shut the window before I left the house. But for some reason this is all part of God’s plan and it has happened to teach me a lesson.

Why I ask myself do I forget to do the important things and pay heed to the trivial stuff of life?

I could excuse myself and say ‘because I am human’ but that is not a good enough excuse.

Satan is lurking around every corner in our minds. The jinn cause us to forget the path of God and the chance of salvation. Instead we seek momentary satisfaction in the earthly realm. As a human, I am as guilty as the next for allowing my ego to get the better of me. I have to learn some hard lessons to pull me back on track.

My first priority should be God and then the important things and then the trivial stuff. Chaos is the food of the jinns. This is the lesson I have learned from these mystifying happenings, all of which occurred in one week.

Chapter 9, verse 73
Those who disbelieve are allies of one another. Unless you keep these commandments, there will be chaos on Earth, and terrible corruption.

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