Spanish Vocabulary. Medianoche (Midnight).

Spanish Vocabulary. Medianoche (Midnight).

Image credits: By Abroix (Sony Cybershot 7.2) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Image credits: By Tamorlan (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Listening file: To listen to the Spanish pronunciation of "medianoche", you can either click here or here:...   . medianoche (la).

English translation: Midnight.

Gender: "Medianoche" is a feminine noun (substantive), so any article or adjective connected to this noun will be feminine. For example: "la medianoche" (the midnight), "esta medianoche" (this midnight), "una medianoche mágica" (a magic midnight), where "la", "esta", "una" are feminine determinants, and "mágica" is a feminine adjective.

This is a compound word: media (half) + noche (night). It is the equivalent to “las doce de la noche” as you may already know. According to the, this word can be used as either one word (“medianoche”) or as two words: “media noche”. Both uses are correct. We can either say “Él llego a medianoche” or “Él llego a media noche”. (He arrived at midnight.)

Plural forms of "medianoche" is "medianoches" and the plural of "media noche" is "medias noches".

Etymology: “media” from Latin "medius". / “noche” from Latin “nox, noctis”.

Antonyms: Mediodía (noon, in English).
Examples with “mediodía”:
Tengo que ir al banco a mediodía. (I have to go to the bank at noon.)

Miro al cielo cada día a mediodía. (I look to the sky everyday at noon.)

Other meanings:”Medianoche” is also the name of a small bread roll you can cut in two pieces and place some jam or cheese inside of it. Here is an image of a “bollo.

Some sentences using the word "medianoche":
(Note English translations are literal, word by word, so you can easily identify every Spanish word with its corresponding English term.)

Es medianoche. (It is midnight.)

He comido una medianoche con jamón y queso.
(I have eaten a «medianoche» with jam and cheese.)

La medianoche es la hora de las brujas.
(Midnight is the time of witches.)

Mi hermano llegó anoche a medianoche.
(My brother arrived last night at midnight.)

Real Academia de la Lengua Española

Interested in Spanish vocabulary? If so, the book Practice Makes Perfect: Spanish Vocabulary
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