Aussie Sayings D-F

Aussie Sayings D-F
There is a plethora of websites in internet land that highlights the unique slang language of Australians. We know what a sheila or a nong is, but many times I have witnessed foreigners completely baffled when an Aussie lets fly with uniquely Australian Sayings.

So I am endeavouring to bring to you as many Aussie sayings as I can muster, together with an understandable explanation of exactly what they mean. Have fun!


Saying: Deadbeat Meaning: Meaning: a bit useless, not good for much
How to use this saying: That bloke is a bit of a Deadbeat

Saying: Deep Pockets Meaning: He is a miser; mean with money
How to use this saying: don’t bother asking Barney for money, he has very deep pockets.

Saying: Do your Lolly Meaning: Loose your temper
How to use this saying: My father can lose his lolly sometimes.

Saying: Don't get ya knickers in a knot Meaning: don’t worry; don’t fret over it.
How to use this saying: So the cars broken down, don’t get ya knickers in a knot.

Saying: Donkeys years Meaning: A very long time; can take ages and ages.
How to use this saying: It hasn’t rained for donkeys years

Saying: Elbow grease Meaning: working hard physically; needs hard physical effort
How to use this saying: Come on Bluey, put some elbow grease into it.

Saying: even blind, Freddy could see that Meaning: can’t you see it?
How to use this saying: Take a closer look, even blind Freddy could see that

Saying: Every man and his dog Meaning: Everyone; absolutely every person
How to use this saying: Every man and his dog was at the Birdsville races this year.

Saying: face fungus (beard) Meaning: Beard; sporting a beard.
How to use this saying: Old Bill hasn’t shaved for years – he’s got a great bit of face fungus

Saying: Fit as a mallee bull Meaning: very healthy; fit and strong
How to use this saying: I feel as fit as a mallee bull.

Saying: Flappin ya Gums Meaning: talking too much; gossiping
How to use this saying: come on Martha, stop flappin ya gums

Saying: Full as a goog Meaning: inebriated; intoxicated; under the influence of alcohol.
How to use this saying: Barry’s been at the pub all day and he’s as full as a goog.

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