Pro-Choice Hate Mail

Pro-Choice Hate Mail
I debated writing an article about this, almost since first becoming editor. My fist inclination was to ‘’fight back’’, when I got ‘’hate’’ mail here at my pro-choice site. Shortly after, beginning my journey with BellaOnline, I got a lovely email with several colorful words, calling me a baby killer.

Ironically, it was around the same time Republican Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer yelled out “Baby Killer” to Democrat Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak while Stupak was addressing the House of Representatives, regarding the healthcare bill.

Sadly, I am not surprised. I knew it came with the territory when I accepted becoming an editor of the topic of pro-choice. I know the rhetoric. I have seen the propaganda and the protesters. I know of the violence to the abortion doctors, nurses, clinics, and patients.

What does surprise me is that with all of the things wrong in the world that needs attention, people opposed to choice would not only read my articles in the first place, but also actually write to me. The great people who were once a precious baby themselves, writing to attack me with vile and vicious words that do not describe me as a person accurately, at all.

They do not know my family, my friends, and they have no idea what path my life has taken, or where the journey has led me. All they can possibly know about me would be that I believe in choice, I am devoted to the sisterhood of women, and that I believe we must work together, if we want to accomplish anything great. My editor bio is only a fraction of who I am.

Another email I got was from a woman who, while she did not attack me viciously and with a barrage of nasty language, was heavy on the “moral wrongs of abortion”, yet I have never written of my moral or religious beliefs or lack thereof. While I appreciate not being verbally abused, it is odd to me that people would think; I had not heard all the arguments.

Not to mention, whatever anyone’s beliefs, I am sure, judgment of others is considered a negative.

While I am always open to compromise, in a way that value and respect a woman’s choice, my mind will not change about every women having a choice in every aspect of her reproductive care. Moreover, the nasty emails I get, just fuel my fire to fight harder for women’s rights. To work to protect women from the people like those who choose to send me hate mail.

The most recent letter was the worst of them so far. Even the email address created to send it, was derogatory and disgusting. The limited vocabulary of the writer continued, by calling me a fat b-word.

Again, none of these ridiculous rants was hurtful, and most of them, less than original and not well thought out. I just do not understand what makes these people think that their email was enlightening, or that I would run to their sides with my own picket sign.

I have never responded to the negative emails, until now, here.

While I was writing this article, it gave me an idea. For every piece of hate mail I get, I will be donating to the charity of my choice that supports women and their right to choose. That way, every time those people choose to attack me for my efforts, they in actuality will be supporting them.

For those who write me compassionately and humanely with opposing beliefs, I value and respect your opinions and views. That will continue, as long as you are respectful to me and mine.

For those who have written in support of my articles and efforts, thank you. I appreciate it more than I can express. It is only through working together, that we can ever truly help each other.

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