Blue County - Review

Blue County - Review
What do you get when you cross Scott Reeves, former soap star, and Aaron Benward, a gospel singer? Blue County, one of the newest duos to come across the county music radar.

With the release of their debut self titled CD, "Blue County”, they show the world that they have what it takes to make wonderful songs. With both ballads and country pop songs filling the CD, there is something for everyone.

The CD starts with their first release “Good Little Girls”, an upbeat song with a country pop sound. It’s a good indicator of what these guys are capable of with a upbeat tempo song, but you won’t be disappointed with the rest of the songs on this CD either.

“Sunday Driver” is another song that sets this CD apart, the harmonies are outstanding. I love the song because it reminds me of the days when I was dating and not wanting the day/evening to end. It’s a cute song about following someone driving slow on Thursday afternoon.

“That’s Cool” the reported next single from the CD, is more of a ballad. It talks about growing up, from practicing with your own BB gun in the backyard to having your own 6 year old doing the same. Once again, the harmonies make the song.

There really isn’t a filler song on this CD, I highly recommend it to any country music fan. From the ballads to the country rock songs, it’s a pleasure to pop it into your CD player.

Scott and Aaron are out to give notice to the other country duos that they are here to stay, and they can thank their wives who gave them the push that they needed. It seems that the guys met about 5 years ago on a video shoot and finally decided to see how they sounded together. Thank goodness they did, this country music listener hopes they will be around for a long time.

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