What is a DVR

What is a DVR
For some people, a DVR is a cool thing to have. For others, they don’t know what a DVR is. For me, I could not imagine living in a world where I didn’t have my DVR.

The words DVR stand for Digital Video Recorder. A DVR is similar to a VCR. Back in the day, if you didn’t want to miss your favorite show you would set your VCR to record it, pop in a fresh tape and go about your day…knowing that your favorite show would be there waiting for you when you arrive back at home. The DVR is very similar. The DVR has a built in hard drive where you can store all of your favorite shows and movies. With a DVR, you can record one show (such as The Oscars or a concert) or you can record an entire television series. For example, I love Scandal but it comes on Thursday nights. I’m never home in time to watch it. I programmed by DVR to record the entire series and now I can catch up on all of the episodes on the weekends or when I have a day off.

DVRs come in different capacities. The larger the capacity, the more shows and movies you can record. You can also set your DVR to delete certain programs automatically if it becomes too full. However, if you have a show or a movie that you absolutely LOVE, you can set it to never delete unless you manually request to delete it.

Another big advantage of a DVR is that you can stop, start, pause and rewind live programming. If you are watching your favorite show and you need to run to answer the phone, you can pause the show and then come back and pick up where you left off. If you are watching a sporting event and you want to see a special shot or kick again, you can rewind back and watch it again.

If you don’t have a DVR but would like to get you, you can order one from your local cable TV provider. If you don’t currently subscribe to cable TV, you will most likely need to set up some type of basic program package in order to get a DVR. Be advised, there is normally an additional nominal fee that comes with a DVR rental however you may find that the convenience that comes with it is well worth the extra expense.

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