Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-10-04

Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-10-04

Thank you for subscribing to the Civil Rights Newsletter published by BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area (the well-known corner of the web where EVERYONE can discuss civil rights civilly, where EVERYONE can find resources and links to articles and sites that deal with cutting edge civil rights issues in many areas of daily living, and where EVERYONE is a member of a family where (wo)men can discuss hot topics of the day without having to worry that it is “off limits” in polite company)!

What‘s New

Civil Rights Information And Education
Find out the latest civil rights news, legislation, developments, and challenges...neatly packaged in the Civil Rights Newsletter!

Civil Rights After 1964
Civil Rights legislation continues to strengthen the spirit of the documents that were drafted when the (then) fledgling nation we now inhabit was founded. Take a look at some of the most important acts and orders since 1964. The fourth article in the Foundation of Civil Rights series.

This Week In Civil Rights History

On December 6, 1864, American President Abraham Lincoln appointed Mr. Salmon P. Chase to be the chief justice of the United States. Mr. Chase was a renowned attorney in Ohio, and his involvement in the slavery abolition movement culminated in his defending numerous fugitive slaves against prosecution.

Civil Rights Trivia Game

What is the name given to the laws created by the Southern States that discriminated against African American citizens and prevented them from actively participating in governmental elections and even running for office themselves?

If you know the answer, please e-mail me. All who answer correctly, will see their names published in the next newsletter. (Sorry, no other tangible prizes yet!)

Civil Rights News You Can Use

Merry Christmas is not a threat to Denver residents’ civil rights after all! Read how the Mayor of Denver, CO has seen the light and how “Merry Christmas” will not be removed from said light... “Denver Mayor Won't Change Christmas Ad“.

Featured Book Of The Week

My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights Experience
My Soul Looks Back in Wonder: Voices of the Civil Rights Experience

Civil Rights For Kids

Treat your children to some civil rights history! Visit the U.S. Department of Justice Kids’ Page and read descriptions of federal civil rights laws and examples from American history.

Musing Of The Week

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, why do they say, "Quit while you're ahead"?

Be sure to visit BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area for even more great content about Civil Rights. To participate in fun online discussions, this site has a bulletin board all about Civil Rights that you can visit!

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either on the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

BTW, feel free to pass this message along to family and friends!

Sylvia Cochran, Civil Rights Editor

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You Should Also Read:
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Foundations of Civil Rights Series

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This content was written by Sylvia Cochran. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact BellaOnline Administration for details.