Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-31-04

Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-31-04

Thank you for subscribing to the Civil Rights Newsletter published by BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area (the well-known corner of the web where EVERYONE can discuss civil rights civilly, where EVERYONE can find resources and links to articles and sites that deal with cutting edge civil rights issues in many areas of daily living, and where EVERYONE is a member of a family where (wo)men can discuss hot topics of the day without having to worry that it is “off limits” in polite company)!

What‘s New?

Civil Rights And The Freedom Of Speech
Read a brief overview of speech, its championed causes, as well as its black-sheep relatives, and examine the question just how free our speech truly is.

The first article in a series examining the scope (and limitations) of our freedom of speech.

Let go of the grind and unwind with Civil Rights! Yes, you read correctly. Whether it be a challenging word scramble, or our version of hangman (yes, the term is politically incorrect), you may be certain to have fun and learn something in the progress! Visit the Civil Amusement area of Civil Rights for links to the games!

This Week In Civil Rights History

On December 27, 1900, a violent outburst left a Wichita, Kansas, saloon in pieces at the hands of Carry Nation. The latter coined the term "hachetation" in her effort to explain why violence had a place in the anti-alcohol temperance movement.

Civil Rights Trivia Game

Last week‘s quiz solution:

Who assisted in the organization of the first large meeting for women's rights in Seneca Falls (New York), in 1848?
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In spite of some excellent entries this week, we unfortunately have no winners. But there is always this week’s quiz!

This Week’s Question:
A constitutional amendment providing an extension of women’s rights failed to be ratified in 1982 since it lacked the support of the requisite number of states. What is the name of this amendment?

If you know the answer, please e-mail me. All who answer correctly, will see their names published in the next newsletter. (Sorry, no other tangible prizes yet!)

Civil Rights News You Can Use

A marriage does not an heiress make. In the legal tango involving Anna Nicole Smith’s hotly disputed inheritance of $88.5 million, the former stripper finds herself closer to the outside of the courtroom door than the inside of the bank vault...“Ex-Playmate Anna Nicole's Fortune Reversed“.

Featured Book Of The Week

Please consider reading Lewis Lapham’s work in which he argues that “voices of protest been so locked out of the mainstream conversation, so marginalized and muted by a government that recklessly disregards civil liberties, and by an ever more concentrated and profit-driven media in which the safe and the salable sweep all uncomfortable truths from view”:

Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and Stifling of Democracy
Gag Rule: On the Suppression of Dissent and Stifling of Democracy

Civil Rights For Kids

A picture is worth a 1,000 words, and this learning tool is sure to get kids interested and educated in civil rights.

American Government, Module 4 - Civil Rights <BR>
American Government, Module 4 - Civil Rights

Musing Of The Week

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. (Abraham Lincoln)

Be sure to visit BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area for even more great content about Civil Rights. To participate in fun online discussions, this site has a bulletin board all about Civil Rights that you can visit! I would especially like to direct your attention to the discussion on Peaceful Assembly & Thong Underwear which seeks to divine if the Freedom of Speech and the Right To Peaceful Assembly include protesters who strip down to their thongs?

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either on the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

BTW, feel free to pass this message along to family and friends!

Sylvia Cochran, Civil Rights Editor

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Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-24-04
Civil Rights Newsletter for 12-17-04
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