Colors in Feng Shui

Colors in Feng Shui
In Feng Shui, each of the Five Elements is represented by a color or colors, and enhancing these colors activates the attributes of the Element and brings those qualities into your life. For example, the passionate colors of the Fire Element ignite love and romance and encourage conversation; the stable Earth Element colors increase security; the strong Metal Element colors represent purity; the flowing Water Element colors relax you; the growing Wood Element colors promote expansion.

Here is an explanation of some of the colors in Feng Shui, and specific ways you can use these colors to help attract wealth, harmony, and love.

The Fire Element Colors in Feng Shui are hot, like red, crimson, scarlet, orange, deep purple, and pink --

*Red makes you feel more active and energetic. Add small touches of red where you want to stimulate the fire energy—especially in your work space, where ever you need an extra energy boost, or in a bedroom. Examples include a red flowering plant or a plant in a red cache pot, a red candle, a bowl with goldfish, or a red front door. Buy a new red wallet to attract wealth. However, be careful when you use red, since too much red around you can aggravate anger.

*Orange is the color of fusion and therefore a good selection when you are seeking unity, cooperation, or commitment. Orange encourages conversation in a group and enhances mediating, negotiating, and listening skills.

*Purple is associated with spirituality and the realm of higher consciousness. It is a good color to use to capture the appreciation for compassion, empathy, and love. Use it when you want to set yourself apart and are willing and able to assume a great deal of responsibility. Purple is the “royal” color, often associated with wealth.

The Earth Element Colors in Feng Shui are the colors of your world, like brown like the soil, yellow from the sun, terracotta from clay --

*Yellow represents sunlight, wholeness, and connection. Yellow in a room encourages a sense of harmony and well-being, so it is a good choice for a living room or kitchen. Since using touches of yellow will raise your spirits, increase mental activity, increase concentration, and improve your memory, consider using it in an office, study, or workroom. While yellow can help relieve depression and fatigue, it can aggravate fears, jealousy, and sleeplessness. Avoid bright yellow in rooms reserved for relaxation and peaceful activities, such as a bedroom or bath.

*Brown encourages stability and order. Use brown when you want to encourage security and groundedness. However, too much brown will overemphasize seriousness and make you feel heavy so be careful not to overdo it.

The Metal Element Colors are the colors of gold and silver, plus all of the pastel and light colors like white, gray, and light colors--

*White represents a desire to be in control and the center of attraction. By deflecting all colors, a white object is set apart from other items. White is easy to work with as a backdrop and goes with most other colors. However, when white is the predominate color it can reduce the flow of chi, resulting in narrow-minded thinking. That means it's best to avoid using all white, and instead add other colors along with it to keep your chi strong and happy.

The Water Element Colors in Feng Shui are deep blues and black, as if you were looking into deep water --

*Blue represents movement, flow, and tranquility. Adding blue accents to your environment moves you toward learning, understanding, and fulfillment. Use blue in a study to stimulate learning, encourage new thoughts, and improve your career or business. Deeper blue accents are good for bedrooms to help you sleep better. Blue lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and helps you overcome anxiety and lack of self-confidence.

*Black helps create calm and reduces anxiety. Because it absorbs all colors and represents the obscuring of light, using black can bring things into focus. For example, when wearing black, a person’s face stands out. Use black when you feel overwhelmed by too many objects, when you want to create a tranquil space around you, and when you want others to focus on what you say.

The Wood Element Colors in Feng Shui are green like tree leaves, teal like the ocean, and turquoise like the precious stone --

*Green represents growth, health, and good fortune. Since green is nourishing, use it in living rooms and family rooms. Green can help restore mental equilibrium and reduce stress and tension. Surrounding yourself with healthy, living green plants can activate your chi.

You can find quick tips for using colors to attract wealth, harmony, and love in the Feng Shui Quick Guide For Home and Office.

Want more free Feng Shui tips? Click here to sign up for my free monthly e-newsletter, the Feng Shui For Real Life E-zine.

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