Civil Rights Newsletter for 03-14-05

Civil Rights Newsletter for 03-14-05

Thank you for subscribing to the Civil Rights Newsletter published by BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area (the well-known corner of the web where EVERYONE can discuss civil rights civilly, where EVERYONE can find resources and links to articles and sites that deal with cutting edge civil rights issues in many areas of daily living, and where EVERYONE is a member of a family where (wo)men can discuss hot topics of the day without having to worry that it is “off limits” in polite company)!

What‘s New?

We finished our Freedom of Speech series! Our last article is entitled Freedom Of Speech, A Computer, And The Will To Use It and ponders the general apathy of Americans to be heard.

This Month In Civil Rights History

The United States Supreme Court, on March 9, 1841 freed 35 survivors of the Amistad mutiny. This ruling ended an ordeal that began on July 2, 1839, when Joseph Cinqué led 52 captive Africans who had been abducted from Sierra Leone by Portuguese slave traders, in a revolt aboard the Spanish schooner Amistad. The ship was discovered adrift off the coast of Long Island, New York.

Civil Rights Trivia Game

Last month‘s quiz solution:

Which group, founded in the late 1950s and initially headed by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was very active in mobilizing protesters during the civil rights movement?
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Unfortunately, there were no winners.

This Month’s Question:
Which Washington Post reporters are credited with breaking the news that ultimately led to the Watergate scandal and the resignation of President Richard Nixon?

If you know the answer, please e-mail me. All who answer correctly, will see their names published in the next newsletter. (Sorry, no other tangible prizes yet!)

Civil Rights News You Can Use

Ever wonder what the most dangerous, subversive, and treacherous piece of literature is that our government seeks to protect us from at all costs? Ever wonder what is contained in its pages that is so hideous, evil, and downright disgusting that legislators and interested parties alike seek to ban its very presence in any and all public venues? Read about this ferociously vicious book and be amazed ...“Open Bible in Public Display Violates Constitution“.

Featured Book Of The Week

“The Supreme Court Endorses Terrorists’ Rights, Flag Burning, and Importing Foreign Law. Is that in the Constitution? You’re right: It’s not. But these days the Constitution is no restraint on our out-of-control Supreme Court. The Court imperiously strikes down laws and imposes new ones purely on its own arbitrary whims. ... In Men in Black, radio talk show host and legal scholar Mark R. Levin dissects the judicial tyranny that is robbing us of our freedoms ...” (From the publisher)

Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America

Musing Of The Week

Four freedoms: The first is freedom of speech and expression - everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of everyone to worship God in his own way, everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want . . . everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear . . . anywhere in the world. (Franklin D. Roosevelt U.S. President)

Be sure to visit BellaOnline´s Civil Rights area for even more great content about Civil Rights. To participate in fun online discussions, this site has a bulletin board all about Civil Rights that you can visit!

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either on the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

BTW, feel free to pass this message along to family and friends!

Sylvia Cochran, Civil Rights Editor

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Civil Rights and Freedom Of Speech

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