Death in Nostalgia City Book Review

Death in Nostalgia City Book Review

Title: Death in Nostalgia city
Author: Mark S. Bacon
Published: 2014, Black Opal Books
No. of Pages: 297
Cover Price: $12.99 Paperback, $3.03 Kindle Edition

Death in Nostalgia City, a novel by Mark S. Bacon, is set in Arizona, and protagonist Lyle Deming has a new job driving a cab for Nostalgia City, a unique theme park and resort that takes visitors back to the 1970s. He's a former cop, but is perfectly happy with this new low-stress job. Archibald "Max" Maxwell is the brain behind the park, and he hires Kate Sorensen as the PR Manager after a series of suspicious, "accidents," some resulting in fatalities, occur at the park. The media, of course, blows the problems out of proportion, attendance begins to plummet, and Max is in danger of losing everything. Lyle is convinced that someone is trying to sabotage the park and drive it out of business. He and Kate team up to not only find a motive and perpetrator, but to stop any more accidents from happening.

As Lyle and Kate investigate, they interact with several park employees, politicians, and unsavory people who may be responsible for the accidents and murders. As Lyle and Kate uncover facts and evidence, they find they are in danger for their lives. When Lyle's father is murdered, it becomes a personal thing, and he is determined to find the murderer. This novel is written in such a way that the suspense is palpable, the characters are likable, and the 70s backdrop adds an element of fun.

Bacon is an excellent storyteller. He has imagination, and is able to put his ideas together in such a way that readers won't be able to put this book down. The characters are well-developed, and seem like real people. The nostalgic theme park is unique and fascinating; it seems Bacon has done his research on the 70s, and everything mentioned – from the old cars, old music and radio programs is absolutely true to the period.

Death in Nostalgia City will especially appeal to baby boomers because of the 70s theme, but the book is highly recommended for almost anyone, since there is no sex, graphic violence, or profanity. It's a delightful trip back in time with plenty of twists, turns, and a surprise ending.

Special thanks to PJ Nunn of Breakthrough Promotions for supplying a copy of this book.

This book may be purchased at Amazon:
Death in Nostalgia City, Paperback
Death in Nostalgia City, Kindle Edition

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