What Causes Wrinkles and How You Can Avoid Them

What Causes Wrinkles and How You Can Avoid Them
Most people equate the word wrinkle with a four letter word, and most seem to be resigned that getting wrinkles is simply a part of the aging process. But, what causes the formation of wrinkles? The list is virtually endless and includes such things as pollution, over exposure to ultraviolet rays, your physical health, diet and your environment among others.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural and effective ways to prevent them.

Notice Your Surroundings - It's common knowledge that over exposure to the harsh rays of the sun has a detrimental effect on the skin. But, few pay attention to the effects of cold, windy or overly dry conditions. This type of exposure will also have a negative impact.

In a nutshell, basically every time you step outside, your skin will be affected. The level of environmental toxins range from slight to severe and can cause everything from a mild rash to cancer, and yes wrinkles.

While natural toxins are present, manmade toxins have increased tenfold over the years. This constant exposure to the environment tends to disrupt the structure and balance of your skin.

To save your skin from the world outside, use products that contain natural ingredients, match your skin type and will protect you from harsh conditions. However, your main concern should be sun exposure, so be sure to use products that offer an appropriate level of protection.

Take a Look at Your Lifestyle - When it comes to creating wrinkles, your lifestyle and personal habits play a major role. Individuals who spend time working out or exercising will be tone, strong and fit and it will show. This is also true for individuals who take a little extra care with their skin. It will be glowing, youthful and smooth.

Take note of any involuntary facial expression. It's surprising how many people frown or pull their brows down while they are engrossed in a task, often for hours at a time.

When the face is positioned in an unnatural way for hours on end, the muscles tend to remember and this position then becomes natural and wrinkles or creases tend form. Make every attempt to smooth out your face as soon as you realize you're frowning or scrunching your muscles.

If you smoke, stop. Not only does this pose potentially deadly health issues it causes fine lines and wrinkles to form around the mouth, eyes and lips from constantly pulling on a cigarette. The nicotine also restricts blood flow to the out layer of the skin depriving the skin from the vital nutrients and vitamins it needs to retain a younger looking appearance.

Wrinkles are not limited to the facial area; smokers often develop wrinkling along other body parts as well.

Scrutinize Your Diet and Your Skincare Products - A diet high in bad fats, sugar and carbohydrates not only affects your overall wellbeing, but your skin as well. What you eat can have a profound affect on the feel and look of your skin.

A healthy diet also helps with a variety of skin conditions and that includes wrinkle prevention. Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. It can be surprising what a few small dietary changes can do to the appearance of your skin both now and in the future.

Take a good look at the ingredients of your current skincare products. Be sure, first they are suited for your skin type and second they provide the protection and additional minerals your skin needs.

But, the application of external products is not enough to prevent wrinkling. To really avoid wrinkling you need to give your body the necessary tools to resist the effects of aging from an internal and external standpoint. Ignoring your overall condition will be as detrimental as hours in the sun, cold or wind.

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