What's in Your Medicine Kit?

What's in Your Medicine Kit?
For as long as I can remember, we have always traveled with a medicine kit of some kind. After we first got married, starting out, it included such things a few adhesive bandages, a small package of facial tissues, a tampon or two and a safety pin. We packed it all in a plastic produce bag we got at the grocery store.

As trips got longer, and as we got older, we added more items. The items change depending on where we are going, how much time we will be gone and the seasons we travel in. Here is a short list to get you started for your own medicine kit.

  • Antacid - we use tablets in a roll. Some people prefer a small bottle of Pepcid. We do not use antacid as a rule, but if you need it, but it can be a something you will not leave home without.

  • Adhesive bandage - some people might prefer Band-Aids or Curad strips, but take a few of different sizes so you have an assortment.

  • Neosporin - I always use this and feel that the brand is important as well. But you need some sort of anti-bacterial cream for scrapes and cuts and this brand works wonders in only a few days.

  • Ibuprofen of some brand. It's all pretty much the same from brand to brand and we usually get a bottle of the generic ibuprofen since it works well for us.

  • Small tube of insect repellent.

  • Motion sickness pills. I do not use it so get a brand that your pharmacist recommends.

  • Anti-diarrheal medication. Look for whatever brand will work right away. I have never used Pepto-Bismol, but have heard that it takes four to six hours to go to work. I don't know about you, but that is a little long to be sitting, waiting to get back to normal. Read the labels. Some come in tablets and some are liquid. One brand claims it starts working in thirty minutes.

  • Allergy tablets - Since we have dogs, we always take some Benadryl along. It is good for them if they get a bee sting and other uses. Again, if it is for me personally and not the dogs, I buy the generic since it all seems to work the same and about in the same amount of time.

  • Sunscreen. If you burn easily, go with a higher SPF rating. I like 30 SPF for my nose and the back of my neck since those are the areas that always seem to burn easily for me.

If you are traveling overseas in areas like India, Thailand or Viet Nam, you might want to ask your doctor for a prescription of Zithromax. This is a heavy duty antibiotic used for viral infections and stubborn diarrhea. The Z-Pack, as it is known, comes with 6 tablets and for most uses, you would start with two tablets the first day and one tablet for the next four days. For super diarrhea I have read that some people take three tabs with Imodium and get quick results. Before I would take that dose, I would check with an MD to be sure about the correct does for you.

A couple of other items you could add to your list might be tampons, a little sewing kit like you get in fancy hotels, a book of matches, a few Q-Tips and dental floss.

Until next time, let me know what is on your mind, and how you are doing, O.K.? You can send me your questions or comments on my bio page. My next article will be out shortly.

Jim Fortune - the BellaOnline Budget Travel Guy

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