Put the Glow Back into Your Skin with Exercise

Put the Glow Back into Your Skin with Exercise
When you think of exercise do you break out in hives? Do you put exercise at the bottom of your to-do list? If so maybe you should reconsider.

Exercise provides a variety of benefits, some you may have never thought of. The thought of exercising usually hits home after the holidays or during the spring. Most want to lose the weight they added while drinking too much eggnog or they want to get ready for that new summer swimsuit.

But, if you ask most people why they exercise, not many will tell you it's to put that glow back into their skin. However, a regular exercise routine is one of the best things you can do to maintain healthy looking and glowing skin.

The primary reason exercise does wonders for your skin is because it increases the body’s circulation and brings the blood to the skin’s surface. And, it’s the blood that houses all the nutrients and oxygen your skin cells must have to be happy, healthy and glowing.

Most people hate sweating, but the fact is sweating does not typically cause acne as many would believe. Sweating actually helps the body eliminate toxins and impurities from the skin’s pores and the body. So, in reality, sweating is like a detergent; it helps clean and wash out your pores.

If blackheads or acne are a problem, exercising can help reduce or eliminate both, but do remember to wipe away the sweat so your body doesn’t just reabsorb it and undone the work you have just done.

Exercising is also an effective tool in creating or boosting the production of collagen. And, everyone understands how important collagen is to have a soft, smooth and younger looking appearance.

Beginning an exercise routine does not need to begin with 100 pound weights. There are a number of types or routines you can choose from. Biking, palates, jogging, dancing, walking briskly or yoga are all great choices. Find one you can enjoy and are comfortable with so you will stick with it.

There are many reasons to exercise, but having younger, healthier and glowing skin is high on the list. Not only will you being doing your body a favor overall, you will be putting that long-lost glow back into your skin. New skin cells will be created, collagen production will increase and everyone will want to know what you are doing differently.

So, if putting the glow back into your face is on your wish list then get moving and boost your circulation. A regular exercise program added to a healthy diet and good skin care routine will take years off your appearance. And, that’s something every woman can relate to.

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This content was written by Samantha Jackson. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Stephanie L. Ogle for details.