Buddhism Websites

Buddhism Websites
New to Buddhism main page.

Here are the first two sites that are ideal for the beginner. Of course these sites appeal to those who have been studying Buddhism for years as well.

Dharma Games
Games! Games! Games!
My three year-old loves Dharma Dancer. You choose between 10 hymns and using your arrow keys move your bear to the beat.

Of course if you don’t care for cute dancing bears, Dharma Games offers many more games of all types and skill levels. The games tie into different aspects of the Buddhism. The games are a fun way to learn about Buddhism or to just enjoy playing a relaxing game.

Dharma Bar
I really enjoy having different quotes scrolling across the screen. Since it updates with a new quote every ten minutes I always have something new to read.

The Dharma Channel
Here you can watch videos or listen to Dharma talks. As of now, there are seven audio files and five video files. I have an older computer and having the Dharma Channel and another window open while I was writing this article did not affect my computer. So I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that most people could listen to a Dharma talk while they surf without to much trouble.

Mobil Phone Dhammapada
I haven’t taken advantage of this feature but it sounds like a great idea.

Access to Insight

Where do I start? I love everything about this website. I enjoy having two translations of the Dhammapada side by side to read and compare (I’m weird about translations).

I like the study guides because they are easy to navigate and, more often then not, include links to the suttas it references so the reader can choose to read that particular sutta in its entirety (btw, I highly recommend that). The similes are great for a quick read. They are listed alphabetically with the subject right there so you can easily find what you are looking for.

The site offers a long list of individual articles conveniently prepared in a PDF file so you can print them and take it offline. Of course if you have a computer that can not handle PDF file’s they still offer the same text in HTML format.

If you want to hear the sutta’s they even provide handy links to their companion site, Sutta Readings.

More coming soon!

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