Senate Majority Leader, Democrats - Near Treason

Senate Majority Leader, Democrats - Near Treason
Violence continues to increase in Iraq, because the terrorists are hearing every day from American Democrat Leaders and most of the American News Media that they are winning. Their Logic: The more innocent Iraqi civilians killed, the worse it looks for Bush.

Average Americans are learning the truth though. When are Congressional statesmen and stateswomen going to call for an investigation into some Democrat leaders continued-negative remarks about the war on terrorism? Freedom of Speech ENDS when it supports America's enemies. Then it becomes TREASON!

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Commander-in-Chief Gary Kurpius is urging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to stop his defeatist rhetoric because of the negative impact it is having on the morale of American forces and their families.

The senator declared April 2 in Las Vegas that the Iraq was was "a failure." He also announced he would submit legislation to end all funding for the war if President Bush made good on his promise to veto any funding bill that contained troop withdrawal timelines. The Senate version of the $123 billion emergency war supplemental contains language that would withdraw the bulk of the 145,000 American troops from Iraq by April 2008.

Tell me, Mr. Senate Majority Leader (if that is what you want to call yourself), do you have a bomb shelter in your home? Are you ready for the terrorists when they come over here. And believe me, when we withdraw from Iraq, they are coming to America. Take my word for that.

You want to cut all funding so our troops will not have enough ammunition or what is needed to protect them, so you are, in a sense, sentencing them to death. Then you want to PACK IT IN and come home with our tail between our legs. Good thinking, SIR! I hope you have provided well for your family because the terrorists could care less.

One other thing, SIR! YOU DEMOCRATS and YOU REPUBLICANS could care less how much we have to spend on a tank of gas and you could care less how much we have to spend on prescription drugs but you are sure focused on making sure our troops are sentenced to death by taking away their ammo and their vehicles and the money needed to operate efficiently as they can with what they do have. And what they do have, SIR, sure is not because of anything you did for them. You, your Democrat buddies and the American Media could care less for America or the American people. The families of those serving in Iraq and elsewhere deserve more than the SCRAPS you are tossing them.

One other note, SIR: Wait until the next election for some surprises and if I were all the Democrats in this nation, I would start looking around for a job to back this one up because we are all going to teach you what happens when you step on the little people. We are going to step back, SIR, and if I were you, I would start praying because maybe, just maybe, God will have mercy on all of you who have abandoned the American people and now you have abandoned the troops also.

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