Thank a Veteran

Thank a Veteran
"Thank A Vet"

America is the land of endless possibilities and freedom. There exists the freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to choose what you say, when you say it, and to whomever you like.

There really isn't any other country in the world where you can show up as an immigrant with nothing but the clothing on your back, and become a millionaire through your own hard work, perseverance, and ingenuity. This is freedom in its most basic form.

What many people don't reflect on very much these days is the fact that their freedom isn't free; not in the least. We have become a society that is much more concerned with the latest news of the Hollywood starlet/musician turned 'train wreck', rather than what is really important at home, in our country, and around the world.

There is irony at work here. The masses that pay no attention to freedom, nor any attention to the sentinels who guard it, are free to do so at their leisure. A circular argument at best, but true nonetheless. What can possibly be done to break that ignorance loop, save to point it out and bring it to light.

Whether the ignorant masses want to admit it or not, there are far too many young souls who gave up their lives to ensure the uninitiated retain their right to stay ignorant. Whether one believes in our current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, or not, the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines involved signed the dotted line as volunteers to protect this country and its freedom. The fact that they serve in a foreign land that doesn't necessarily affect us here at home doesn't diminish their sacrifice.

It's time that we all thanked a Veteran for their sacrifice and their willingness to complete an unpopular duty. In doing so, you honor all the Veterans of yesterday as well. You honor those that have fallen, and those that will bare the inward and outward scars of battle for the rest of their lives.

You may not agree with the current political situation, or the decisions of our leaders. You may not agree with our foreign policy and may want ‘change’ in the next election; but please don't pin the shortcomings of these politicos on our vets. Our Veterans signed the dotted line and did their time; and now it's time to thank them for their sacrifice.

If you haven't done so already, Thank a Vet Today!

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