
We celebrate Pentecost Sunday fifty days after Easter – Jesus’ resurrection - and ten days after the Ascension of Our Lord. Pentecost marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in Sacred Scripture, found in the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Pentecost is sometimes referred to as the birthday of the Church, because that first Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostles to first preach the Good News to others. The liturgical color for Pentecost is red. This red symbolizes the fire of the Holy Spirit that descended upon the Apostles.

Pentecost, in English speaking countries, is also known as Whitsunday. The origin of Whitsunday is not clear but there are a couple theories. One beginning it might have originated from the Old English word for “White Sunday” which referred to the white robes worn by those being baptized. It was an English custom to baptize new converts on Easter, Pentecost, and All Saints Day. Another theory is that the name Whitsunday could have initially meant “Wisdom Sunday” because traditionally the Holy Spirit, who confers wisdom upon Christians at the time of baptism, is considered to be the Wisdom of God. In other countries, Pentecost has other names that include: “Green Sunday” in the Ukraine and “Green Holiday” in Poland. These names come from Pentecost traditions of green plants being taken to homes and churches to symbolize new life.

Buy at Art.comOn Pentecost Sunday the Apostles were granted the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. These gifts – wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord – helped the Apostles in their mission to preach the Gospel to all nations. We, too, are granted the gifts of the Holy Spirit when we are baptized and filled with sanctifying grace.

Prayer for Pentecost

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Easter promise.
Come, Holy Spirit, rest in our hearts.

Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide and unite us to forever proclaim your glory.
Come, Holy Spirit, rest in our hearts.

Let us always be open to receive the flame of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
Come, Holy Spirit, rest in our hearts.

May the Holy Spirit unite all races and nations throughout the world, and lead us to one voice of praise and thanksgiving.
Come, Holy Spirit, rest in our hearts.

We pray in the name of your beloved Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.


Peace in Christ,
© Melissa Knoblett-Aman

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