Should I Redecorate After a Divorce?

Should I Redecorate After a Divorce?
Many people become excited when they discuss the possibility of redecorating their home and buying new furniture. Others mourn the loss of their previous furnishings. Other people keep their furniture, until it falls apart because it is comfortable and familiar.

Many people ask newly divorced people whether they are going to redecorate their homes or apartments after their divorce. There is no right or wrong answer. It depends on the person and his/her emotional state after the divorce is final.

Some people are eager to sell or give away all their possessions from the marriage. There is no sadness. They are relieved and happy. They look forward to the future and to furnishing their house or apartment with new furniture.

Other people are so hurt that they are divorced they cannot bear the thought of using furniture from their marriage. The pain or anger is just too great. There is nothing wrong with this as it relates to furniture. However, these overwhelming feelings may be cause for concern if the desire to purge continues for an excessive period of time.

Some people may want to buy new furniture but cannot afford it as the divorce leaves them financially strapped. This may cause additional stress in their lives and should be addressed with the help of friends or professionals.

Still other people are so comfortable with the familiar that they want to keep their furniture, even though it was used duing their marriage. They see the furniture not as a relic of a marriage, but as wood, nails and cushions.

There are some people who cannot acknowledge they are divorced and want to live in denial. They want everything to be the same as it was during their marriage. This way they do not need to acknowledge the loss and begin the healing. This behavior, if continued too long should be discussed with a professional.

As stated earlier, there is no one size fits all answer. Feeling comfortable with your decision is important. The key issue is your well being.

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