Dating As A Fact Finding Mission

Dating As A Fact Finding Mission
If you are looking to be in a long-term committed relationship, dating is a great opportunity for you to find out if a person is a good match for you. When you invest in anything, there is usually a criterion for the purchase, so when you are looking for a partner there should also be a certain criteria.

All too often, people fall into relationships with the ‘wrong’ people just because they would rather not be on their own, and they believe that anyone is better than being single. It is not uncommon to notice some ‘flaws’ or warning signs in the beginning, and instead of running in the opposite direction; many of us will assure our-selves that 'it will be fine', and that they can ‘work on that’. Does this sound familiar? If so, how did it work out for you?

Entering a relationship with someone means that you are going to allow them to be who they are, and not try to ‘fix’ or change them in any way. Dating is an ideal way to get to know someone, and to find out if they are someone you can grow with, and create a partnership with.

Many women feel obligated to be with someone just because they have shown an interest in them. In many cases, they will persevere with the relationship, and even make changes to themselves in order to fit in with their ‘partner’. This can be the case even although the partner is not a good fit for them. This is not the basis of good a relationship, and there is no way to create an equal partnership from here.

No one has to settle for the first person that comes along, and if they don’t match with you and your values, then you have other opportunities to meet someone else. Dating can be exciting! There are more opportunities to meet people than ever before due to the explosion of online dating.

When you think about what is on the line; a life with someone you love and respect, then is it not crucial to spend time making sure you’re with the 'right one' for you? Taking the time to explore, and see how you feel with them can take a while, so don’t over commit yourself to someone until you really feel that it is right.

Dating Tips:

Ask questions that show you what their values are.
Try to find out their likes and dislikes.
Don’t just dismiss them if they doesn’t tick one of your boxes (unless it’s a really big one)
Don’t dismiss them on their looks.
Give someone else a chance, someone that you may not have looked at in the past. People can surprise you.
Don’t agree with their views or outlook just so they like you. Be bold and say what you think.

Dating can be exiting, and a great way to meet new and interesting people along the way.

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This content was written by Tracy Hamilton. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Bernardine Idioha-Chidozie for details.