Sewing Ideas for Springtime

Sewing Ideas for Springtime
What better way to announce the season of hope and renewal than with easy spring sewing projects.

Welcome visitors with a simple-to-sew garden flag to hang from a wrought iron garden pole, wall bracket, or mailbox. A willow, thin branch or dowel rod could also be used to hang the flag using twine or cord to decorate a porch or use as a window display. Garden flags add welcoming visual interest to home, garden or business and provide an extra display of color and whimsy for any outdoor space.

Cut out and enlarge simple fabric shapes (bunny, carrot, Easter egg, birds) using themed cookie cutters, clip-art or from children’s coloring books for template ideas. Flag poles and accessories can be found in local hardware stores or on many online websites. Flags made as window decorations could also be hung from window suction cups. Place the garden flag along a driveway, sidewalk or hang on a fence for a cheerful touch of spring.

For a small size outdoor flag use a 15-inch x 20-inch nylon or canvas, or any weather-resistant fabric. A large size might be 20-inches x 30-inches. Any woven cotton-blend fabric for an inside window, wall hanging or garland will do.

Drawstring Bunny Bags – Make a simple drawstring bag, any size really, by cutting a rectangle of fabric to fold in half right-sides together, stitch two opposite sides in a 1/4-inch seam but leave a 1-inch unstitched opening about 3-inches from the top, then finish sewing to the end. Turn down the top of the bag 1/4-inch then fold again a few inches or more. The unstitched opening will allow for the drawstring to pass through from both sides on the outside of the casing. Press and stitch all around to secure. Turn right sides-out. Make ears out of four fabric pieces. Use iron on fusible interfacing to the wrong side of two pieces. This will allow for the ears to be stiff enough to stand up. Sew two right-sides together, stitch in a 1/4-inch seam, clip into seam line, turn, and press. Sew bottom of ears to one top edge of the bag. Drawstrings - shoelaces, ribbon or twisted cording, can then be woven through the casing side openings.

Super Simple Tote – Sew a simple tote bag shape out of sturdy fabric. Turn wrong sides out, then pinch each of the side corners into a triangle and sew across about 2-inches from the pointed tip. This will square off the corners and give the tote a flat bottom. Sew another of similar shape for a lining if you'd like. Put both together and fold down the top to the inside or outside if desired to form a neat brimmed edge. Add a fabric handle.

Yo-yo Wreath – Yo-yos are versatile as a flower-like embellishment to cover a simple foam or straw wreath form. Yo-yos are of course simple circles of fabric that are turned under 1/4-inch at the edge, stitched around the folded edge with a running stitch then pulled tightly. Tie off. Flatten the yo-yo flower and add a contrasting button over the center. Cover the wreath form with strips of fabric or wide ribbon. Make the yo-yos out of a pretty springtime printed fabric. Cover the wreath with yo-yo flowers or bunch together on one side as many as desired.

Simple Shape Soft Bunny – an iconic springtime symbol is a bunny. A simple softly stuffed fabric bunny shape can be made from two sewn pieces of fabric and tied with a contrasting ribbon. Make several for a bunny family. Sewn from softly hued print fabrics and added to a fabric basket makes for a charming springtime centerpiece.

"Spring drew on...and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that hope traversed them at night and left each morning brighter traces of her steps." – Charlotte Brontë

Bunny Patterns found on

Sew happy, sew inspired.

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