More on Fin Rot

More on Fin Rot
Fin rot is a fish disease that, unfortunately, is far too prevalent. The previous article on fin rot espouses that clean water is the answer and that you have to use caution with medications. This is true. Now for more on this topic because it is one which people ask about often.

Fin rot can be related to injury. Once the fins are injured, the fin rot may occur overnight. If allowed to progress unchecked, it can eventually get to the body tissues and then it is too late oftentimes. Injury can be caused by aggression - this is a good reason to carefully consider which tankmates are the best when setting up your aquarium.

Treat the fin rot immediately and your fish will usually recover completely. Clean water is the best answer. Good nutrition and vitamins play an important part during the healing process, too. Clean water requires attention to not overfeeding, overcrowding, and not changing the water often enough. This brings back to our attention the reminder to observe your fish every day so you can catch anything that is amiss immediately. Once you have treated the fin rot, new tissue will regenerate quickly.

One way to help prevent injury is to not put any sharp toys or plants or anything sharp into your fish's aquarium. They may bump into it and damage their fins and fin rot can set in.

Fin rot may also set in if you do not keep your aquarium at the prescribed water temperature for the type of fish you have. Your fish's aquarium needs an aquarium heater and an aquarium thermometer in order to regulate and check the water temperature for him or her.

Besides injury, fin rot can occur due to a secondary infection if your fish has already been weakened by another disease. Thus, you will need to treat both the fin rot and the original disease that caused the fin rot! Infection can be caused by stress and handling.

Hopefully, this does not happen to you and your dear pet because you have already been diligent in maintaining your fish's water quality and water temperature. You have been feeding him or her correctly with good nutrition and observing him or her every day to notice any changes other than the normal changes of growing up. Then, you would have prevented the fin rot by taking care of the disease that would have caused the fin rot.

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