Tea Nature's Beauty Aid

Tea Nature's Beauty Aid
Tea Nature’s Beauty Aid

Tea is rich in antioxidants that are extremely helpful in aiding the human body ward off such things like free-radicals, and helps to enhance and boost up immune systems.

But did you know that tea is also very helpful in the natural beauty area?

Here are a few very easy beauty remedies that you can try yourself at home:

For the eyes:

We all get tired and puffy eyes; did you know you can revitalize them with tea bags,
Simply by “steeping” two tea bags (approximately 1 to 2 minutes) in warm water will activate the tea bag. Next, squeeze out the excess into your dish or cup, and then place the warm (not hot) tea bags over your eyes for up to 20 minutes at a time. The result is a soothing feeling along with the reduction of inflammation. The active ingredient is the tea produces a natural chemical reaction called tannin. This is what also causes a bitter taste to tea if steeped too long. * Tip: Most people would make two cups of tea to drink and then simply use the spent tea bags.

For the feet:

Do feet hurt? Do they have odor? No problem, the tea bag contains the aforementioned tannin. It acts as if it were an astringent. If you “hard brew” at least six bags of tea to approximately 2 ½ quarts of water, this will be enough for a foot bath. Hard brew tea is to let it come to room temperature after boiling and steeping for a long while, such as for this recipe, at least one hour is recommended. Remove the tea bags discard or use for other beauty uses. Once at warm room temperature soak for about 20 minutes each time. Rinse feet and dry thoroughly. This will reduce and even eliminate those “odoriferous” feet. And this foot bath will also aid in soothing tired and achy feet as well. * Tip, Please DO NOT consume this tea after use as a foot soak. Ahhhh….

For your mouth:

No one likes bad breath. Green tea can clean your mouth, reduce your bad breath, and even prevent the reoccurrence of bad breath. Using green tea you have on hand, or some experts say that using the Himalayan green tea is the best, (Himalayan is available world-wide most notably as a loose tea) make a green tea paste. Use about 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of green tea to make the paste. First infuse the green tea leaves of bags for 30 minutes. Then, mix the tea and soda to form a paste. Dip your toothbrush into your mixture and brush as you normally would. Don’t forget your tongue; where most odors tend to linger. *Tip: Although there are naturally occurring amounts of fluoride produced, this is in NO WAY a substitute for regular brushing!

For the face:

Soother Spritz!

Using the same green tea as in above recipe and distilled mineral water; you can create a special facial spritzer that even a “movie star & model” would love!

Using about 2cups (16 oz.)(1/2 liter) of non-carbonated mineral water and green tea bags or loose leaves 2 to 3 tbsp. (or 3 bags) Steep for 1 hour. Bring this to room temperature. Strain leaves if using loose teas. Now pour this into a spritz (spray bottle) or other clear container. This can be used to revitalize the face and neck. This mixture will contain antiseptic properties and can be sprayed on rashes, blemishes, and razor burn. It can also be used as a sunburn soother. *Tips: If no spray bottle is available can use cotton balls to apply. **Please note that this is not for extreme sunburn, nor is this a cure. Please notify medical doctor for incidents of bad sunburn.

For your hair:

Add shine to your tresses. Simply just steep a strong cup of black tea and then when you are in the final rinse use the tea to rinse and the result is soft and shiny hair.

Finally, remember that the best beauty remedy around is sleep. Getting the sleep you need helps to rejuvenate your body as well as our body systems. Simply brew a cup of Chamomile tea- breathe deeply and enjoy the feeling of getting sleepy. This is a soothing natural drug-free way to aid you in getting your beauty sleep!

Be sure to include tea into your beauty routine as much as you can~ Tea works on the inside and on the outside.

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