Kwik Multi-Language Text and Graphic Layers

Kwik Multi-Language Text and Graphic Layers
In the previous tutorial, we learned about Kwik Language Groups and how they work. Now we can set up our text and graphic layers for our multi-language book app.

Set Up Text Layers as Language Group

Now we can set up the text layers. This process will tell Kwik which layers in the Layers panel are text layers and when to display the English or Spanish text layer in the app.

English Text Layer

  1. Select the p1EnText layer.

  2. Click on the Layers and Replacements icon and then the Set Language to a Layer icon to open the dialog box.

  3. At this point, we don’t have a group created yet. Keep the default New in the Language Group and Kwik will create and name our new group for us.

  4. Set the Language menu to English because this is the English text layer.

  5. Click Save.

Now let’s add the p1SpText layer to our Language Group.

  1. Select the p1SpText layer.

  2. Click the Set Language to a Layer icon to open the dialog box again.

  3. You should see our new group listed in the Language Group menu. It will have the same name as our text layer (p1EnText). Set the Language Group to p1EnText. This will make a connection between the two text layers. Kwik will show one or the other depending on which Read to Me button was used on the cover page.

  4. This is our Spanish text layer, so set the Language menu to Spanish.

  5. Click Save.

Set Up Graphic Layers as Language Group

Our final task is to set up which food graphic will display for each language. Setting up language specific graphics, animations and interactions is very much the same as text layers. You will create a new group for each.

For our example, we will create a new group for our food graphics.

  1. Select the p1Taco layer.

  2. Click on the Layers and Replacements icon and then the Set Language to a Layer icon.

  3. We don’t have a graphic group created yet. Keep the default New in the Language Group and Kwik will create our new group for us.

  4. Set the Language menu to Spanish because we want the taco to display only for the Spanish language.

  5. Click Save.

Now let’s add the p1Hotdog layer to our Language Group.

  1. Select the p1Hotdog layer.

  2. Click the Set Language to a Layer icon.

  3. You should see our new group listed in the Language Group menu. It will have the same name as our taco layer (p1Taco). Set the Language Group menu to p1Taco. This will make a connection between the two graphic layers.

  4. This is our English food layer, so set the Language menu to English.

  5. Click Save.

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These tutorials are for the older version of Kwik 2 and may not be much help when using Kwik 3 and above. If you are having trouble, please use the Kwik forum.

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Content copyright © 2023 by Diane Cipollo. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.