Handbook of the Christian Faith - page 2

Handbook of the Christian Faith - page 2
If you landed here by accident, you can read my review of A HANDBOOK OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH *Here*
The following gives an idea of some, but by all means not all of what the book contains.
  • Chapter 1. THE BIBLE
    • Theme and Message
    • Revelation, Inspiration and Authority
    • Bible Translations, Dictionaries and Commentaries

  • Chapter 2. THE OLD TESTAMENT
    • The Roots of Our Faith
    • The Pentateuch
    • History of Israel
    • The Rise and Fall of Israel
    • The Message of the Prophets
    • Israel's Wisdom and Devotional Literature
    • Judaism Today

  • Chapter 3. JESUS OF NAZARETH
    • The World, Life and Ministry of Jesus
    • Jewish Political and Religious Communities in the First Century
    • Jesus' Baptism, Testing and Calling Twelve to Be His Disciples
    • Arrest, Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension
    • Jesus' Names, Titles and Symbols

  • Chapter 4. THE GOSPELS
    • Mark: The Foundation Gospel
    • Matthew: The Jewish-Christian Gospel
    • Luke: The Universal Gospel
    • John: The Spiritual Gospel
    • Summary Comparison of the Four Gospels

    at Amazon

    • The Acts of Peter and the Travels of Paul
    • The Apostle Paul: Ambassador for Christ
    • Galatians: The Epistle of Freedom From the Law
    • Romans: Paul's Magnum Opus
    • The Corinthian Correspondence
    • Paul's Other Letters
    • Hebrews, James, Peter, John and Jude
    • The Book of Revelation

  • Chapter 6. THE CHURCH
    • A Brief History of Christianity
    • The Apostolic Era
    • The Church in the Middle Ages
    • The Protestant Reformation
    • Important Dates and Events in Christian History

    • A summary of Christian Doctrines and Beliefs
    • Theology
    • The Doctrine of Creation
    • Sin
    • Jesus Christ: Lord and Savior
    • Salvation: By Grace Through Faith
    • The Holy Spirit
    • The Church: Marks and Sacraments, Polity, Clergy Titles and Calendar
    • The End Times
    • Angels, Satan and Demons

  • Chapter 8. OTHER RELIGIONS
    • Hinduism: The Religion of India
    • Buddhism: The Middle Way
    • Five Other Eastern Religions
    • Islam: Christianity's Greatest Competitor
    • Christian and Non-Christian Cults
    • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity
    • Recent Religious Movements, The New Age Movement
    • Do All Religions Lead to God?

    • Christian Apologetics ( Providing an answer to anyone who demands and accounting for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15)
    • Growing in Christ Through Prayer and Through Study
    • Obstacles to Growth: the Seven Deadly Sins
    • The Message and Mechanics of Evangelism - suggestions for sharing the "Good News"

    • Biblical Guidelines for Living
    • The Ten Commandments
    • The Sermon on the Mount
    • The Parable of the Good Samaritan
    • Parables of Wealth and Possessions
    • Three Who Lived ``for Jesus' Sake'' Short biographies of three heroes of the faith, Dietich BonHoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa

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