Double-Check that Baby Name

Double-Check that Baby Name
Think you've settled on the perfect name? Before you give me your answer, try asking yourself the 6 questions below. These questions might show that the name you love has a few drawbacks you weren't even aware of. (They might even make you rethink your decision to use that name at all.)

1. How can the name be mispronounced?

Let's say you love the name Kally, which you pronounce "KAL-lee." But people who see the name written down tend to pronounce it either "KAY-lee" or "KEL-lee." And you find yourself correcting these people. How much of a hassle will this be for your daughter?

2. How can the name be misspelled?

Your father's name is Emmanuel, so you decided to put at creative twist on his name for your son, who you plan to name Eemannuell. This may seem like a cool name to you now, but imagine how often your son will have to spell it out for people. Is it really a wise idea?

3. How can the name be shortened?

You'd love to name your daughter Helen after her great-grandmother. But you often hear people shorten Helen to "Hel," and you're not a fan of this nickname (or the teasing that might come with it). Is an unpleasant nickname a deal-breaker?

4. How can the name be abbreviated?

Your surname is Tucker, and you'd like to name your son Ryan Oscar. But that would make his initials "ROT" -- something you can't exactly see embroidered onto a bath towel one day. Do you think these initials are something he'll be able to live with?

5. What rhymes with the name?

You're partial to the name Larry. But Larry rhymes with 'scary' and 'hairy.' All children are teased about their names at some point, but could this name invite an unusual amount of mockery?

6. How else can the name be made fun of?

Your surname is Parker, and you'd like to go with the name Peter for your son. With all those recent Spiderman movies, though, kids today know exactly who "Peter Parker" is. Will the Spidey jokes be too much?

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