Pumpkin Pie Bumper in Motion - The Pie

Pumpkin Pie Bumper in Motion - The Pie
In the previous tutorial, we imported our layered PhotoshopR file containing the graphics for our animation in to MotionR and discussed the breakdown of the animation. Now we will work on the first part of the animation that will move the pumpkin pie on to the screen and add the whipped cream.

Our first task is to move the pie below the screen and set the keyframes along time Timeline to animate the pie. Remember that we want the pie to move on to the screen over the first second (30 frames).

Now we will set the beginning and ending positions for the pie on the Timeline.

  1. With the Playhead on the first frame of the Timeline, select just the pie. Move JUST the pie element below the screen. Leave all the whipped cream elements in place.

  2. In the Inspector, add a Keyframe for the Position Property by clicking the Icon on the right.

    Let's set the ending position for the pie.

  3. Move the Playhead to frame 30. With the pie still selected, move the pie up in position under the whipped cream elements. A new keyframe should automatically be added to the Timeline.

    Now that the pie is on the stage, we can animated the whipped cream dots. As they are already in their places, we just need to manipulate their addition to the stage. We could do this by adding a fade in behavior. However, we just want each whipped cream dot to POP on to the screen. So let's use the Mark In feature to remove each cream dot from the Timeline until the frame where we want it to appear.

    When we imported our graphics, Motion automatically numbered each of the 43 small whipped cream dots. The bottom dot in the list is dot 0 and still named dot. Moving upward, each dot is numbered incrementally. As we remove the dots from the Timeline, we will start with the dot at the bottom of the Layers pane (dot 0) and work upward to dot 42.

    1. Move the Playhead to frame 40 and select the first dot in the Layers pane.

    2. With the dot still select, click Mark - Mark In from the top Toolbar.

      You should see the dot removed from frame 1 - 39 on the Timeline.

    3. Select the next dot (dot 1) in the Layers pane and move the Playhead to frame 42. Click Mark - Mark In.

      Repeat this for dots 2 through 42. The last dot (dot 42) should be added on frame 124.

    4. Move to frame 130 and select the center whipped cream dot. Click Mark - Mark In.

    That completes the pumpkin pie part of the animation. Next, we will add the caramel apples.


    Sample Project

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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.