Pumpkin Pie Bumper in Motion - The Apples

Pumpkin Pie Bumper in Motion - The Apples
In this tutorial, we will continue working on our Pumpkin Pie bumper. At this point, we have completed the animation for the pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Now, we will import and animate the caramel apple graphics in MotionR.

The second PhotoshopR file contains six layers of caramel apples, with three on each side of the screen. To add a little movement and interest, we will stagger the introduction of each apple and add a little spin to each apple. Here is a chart for the apple animation.

  1. Start a new layer in the Layers pane and name it Apples.

  2. Import the Photoshop file containing the six caramel apples. Motion will name these graphics apple, apple 1, apple 2, apple 3, apple 4 and apple 5.

  3. Move the Playhead to frame 140 and select the Apples layer in the Layers pane. This should select all six apples. Click Mark - Mark In to remove the apples from the Timeline for frames 1 - 139.

    Let's animate the bottom left apple.

  4. Move the apple to the left until it is just outside of the screen.

  5. In the Inspector, add a keyframe to the Position Property.

  6. Move the Playhead to frame 170 and drag the apple back in to its original position. You should have a new keyframe added to the Timeline.

  7. Move the Playhead to frame 171. Add a keyframe to the Rotation Property.

  8. Move the Playhead to frame 200. Use the Rotation dial control or type 360 in the Rotation Property. You will see a new keyframe added to the Timeline.

  9. Select the bottom right apple. Move the Playhead to frame 160 and click Mark - Mark In.

  10. Move the apple to the right and outside of the screen and add a keyframe to the Position Property in the Inspector.

  11. With the Playhead on frame 190, move the apple back in to place.

  12. Move the Playhead to frame 191 and add a keyframe to the Rotation Property in the Inspector.

  13. With the Playhead on frame 220, add 360 to the Rotation value in the Inspector.

Use the chart above to animate the other five apples, alternating between left and right apples.

That will complete the major animation for our bumper. In the final tutorial, we will add an overlay to the right side of the screen, where the customer has the option to add text. Then we will export our bumper in the .mov file format.


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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.