Dark Water Book Review

Dark Water Book Review

Title: Dark Water
Author: Robert Bryndza
Published: October 1, 2019, Grand Central Publishing
No. of Pages: 394
Cover Price: $11.99 Paperback, $4.99 Kindle

Dark Water is the third installment in the Erika Foster series. The series is set in England, and Erika has been demoted, taken out of homicide, and put in a department in charge of narcotics. When Erika’s dive team recovers a huge narcotics stash in a quarry, they also discover and bring up the skeleton of a child that has been there for many years. The bones are those of Jessica Collins who disappeared twenty-six years prior while on her way to a birthday party, and Erika begs to be in charge of solving that case. As she investigates, she uncovers secrets that pit family members against each other, as well as a scandal in the police department involving dirty cops.

The English culture is evident in this novel, and makes for a charming atmosphere. The author uses English idioms and phrases, revealing the differences in culture. There are actually two stories going on at the same time in this novel, and Bryndza joins them in a way where the stories combine and flow. He has also done an excellent job of developing his characters. There will be no doubt in readers’ minds how a character looks or acts, and this is helpful. Erika, the protagonist, isn’t particularly likeable. She isn’t nice to her co-workers (or others), and in some ways has a bad attitude. Some of the other characters are more likeable, and for some reason, it all works.

As in any good thriller, Dark Water includes the elements of building suspense, a good story, and a surprise ending. In this case, most readers will be blindsided by the ending since it is so unexpected.

This is a good novel, and is recommended for those thriller readers who want to read something different.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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