Mind, Body, Herbs - How to Properly Nurture Them

Mind, Body, Herbs - How to Properly Nurture Them
Mind, body and herbs. They all need to be nurtured in order for you to grow as a person. When we think about the mind, it's important to look at it from the perspective of how we think. We hear a lot about mind-set these days. Your mindset can determine just how well you approach life. It can also help you move forward with goals, dreams, and just everyday living.

There’s a phrase that says: "The mind is a terrible thing to waste." It says a lot about how you think about yourself. Your mind and its thought process helps you deal with life and move forward. Helps with those things you thought you could have or want to achieve. Most importantly the process of how you handle things. Otherwise your actions would become wasteful if you didn't use your mind to take steps and to move forward.

Mind and body are connected. Your body has no direction if you have no head. Meaning a headless/mindless body, is a wandering body that will ultimately drop dead in its tracks. When your head/mind is attached, you have a chance to think your way through actions, processes, directions, and the setting of goals.

How Do Herbs Fit Into The Scenario With Mind and Body?

We typically think of herbs as a solution, aid, or experience that will allow us to soothe an upset stomach, help us to get a better night sleep or in general take part in a relaxing scenario.

More importantly when we think of herbs, we associate them with healing. Healing your body with herbs takes a multifaceted approach. An herbalist will look at your physical state, your emotional state, and your spiritual experience before offering suggestions.

A lot of us are coming to the world of herbs because we're desperate. We're trying to find something that will help us work through a health challenge that we're having. When we think of plants, they are and have always been available.

Plants often bring their healing goodness into our lives with teas, herbal blends for bathing, or through the foods we eat. Some of us perceive plants as a substitute for pills or shots .

We rush through getting to know what Mother Nature has provided for us when there's a physical or mental challenge that we face as humans. If we have some type of challenge we will run to a book and look for an immediate remedy/solution for whatever the challenge might be. Sometimes we can get immediate relief and other times it might take hours, if not days.

What we must begin to understand is that there's a lot to be learned when working with the healing plants of Mother Nature. There's definitely a spiritual component. And a lot of us don't want to admit that there is a spiritual component connection with plants.

Learning to Nurture Our Mind, Body and Herbs

It can be something as simple as taking time in the mornings to give thanks for where you find yourself. While doing so, you're also enjoying a nice cup of tea with a touch of lemon and honey. This within itself will shift you into a meditative state, or one of relaxation.

A lot of women that I know, are doing what's known as an I am assignment in the mornings.

So what is an I Am assignment? It's where you set aside time and you write out statements that may not be true at the moment but they're at least positive. For example: I am healthy, I am creative, I am successful… you get the idea.

Some of these women take it to another level for instance, they insert certain herbs that they associate with health like peppermint, comfrey, lavender and ginger, to name a few.

When speaking to the creative I Am, they actually take their statements and some of them have made books with a page for each statement. Some make what are known as vision boards as a collective and others use journals.

Conclusion ...

The key is to get to know your mind, your body and the herbs that have presented themselves to you. It’s part of your healing or transformation. There's a lot to learn about who you are, the body you're in and the herbs that are here to assist you on this journey.

Begin to give yourself time to get acquainted with all three. It's a journey. It's a Wonderful Life experience. You will learn much if you take time and begin your path. Some of you are continuing this path and continuing to learn in the process.

That’s it for this week.

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