Death for Dinner Cookbook Review

Death for Dinner Cookbook Review

Title: Death for Dinner Cookbook: 60 Gorey-Good, Plant-Based Drinks, Meals, and Munchies Inspired by Your Favorite Horror Films
Author: Zach Neil
Published: September 6, 2022, Rock Point
No. of Pages: 160
Cover Price: $24.99 Hardcover, $11.99 Kindle

Love Horror movies? If so, you’re probably familiar with the characters and famous movies mentioned in the recipes by Zach Neil in his cookbook, Death for Dinner Cookbook: 60 Gorey-Good, Plant-Based Drinks, Meals, and Munchies Inspired by Your Favorite Horror Films. This is a perfect cookbook for making scary food for Halloween. Neil has included recipes that actually look mouthwatering. Unfortunately, the ingredients are vegan, and those who like regular food will want to substitute real ingredients instead of the vegan plant-based stuff. That said, there are some good recipes that everyone will love.

Most people who like food won’t have vegan ingredients around the house, but they are becoming readily available at mainstream grocery stores. Personally, I prefer to make the dishes using my favorite ingredients such as regular ground beef and chicken rather than vegan ground beef and chicken. It would cost a few months salary to stock up on all the vegan ingredients called for in these recipes.

Some of the recipes have very clever names such as Flesh and Blood which is tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The horror movie Children of the Corn inspired the yummy sounding soup called Children of the Hominy. Anyone who has a Halloween party will want to take some good ideas from this fun book and name their dishes accordingly.

The cookbook includes beautiful photographs, some of playbills from the horror films, and some of the dishes which are pretty scary.

All told, this is a fun cookbook, and cooks who know their stuff will be able to make the ingredient substitutions necessary to make the dishes actually taste good and company-worthy.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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