The Lost Coast Book Review

The Lost Coast Book Review

Title: The Lost Coast
Author: Jonathan and Jesse Kellerman
Published: August 6, 2024, Ballantine Books
No. of Pages: 368
Cover Price: $21.00 Hardcover, $14.99 Kindle

Anyone following the Clay Edison series by bestselling and award winning author Jonathan Kellerman and his son, Jesse Kellerman, will want to immediately pick up the fifth novel in the series, The Lost Coast

Clay edison, who is working as a private detective now, is asked by a wealthy client to look into a fraud case where vulnerable people have purchased worthless land, and have been paying for years for it, as well as additional costs. As Clay investigates, he is taken to a remote area that is very difficult to get to, and, as he poses as a person interested in purchasing land there, puts himself in danger where he is shot at and stalked; there is no one there that he can trust. Murders have possibly been covered up, and things aren’t as they seem.

Jonathan Kellerman, of course, is known for his excellent storytelling ability, and it seems that his son also has that talent. This novel flows and is easy to follow, but has ups and downs and building suspense. The sub characters are well developed, as is Clay, who is the protagonist and well known from the previous novels. This novel does contain some profanity, which is not a usual thing in Kellerman novels, but it is strictly to characterize a PI who was previously on the case and who helps Clay assists him. The profanity is pretty much just her and it fits.

All told, this is another good novel from the Kellermans. Because of the history of Clay in the previous novels, it is suggested that they be read before this one.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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