Adolescence Newsletter


June 8 2011 Adolescence Newsletter

Teenage Angst-Land
Adolescence Newsletter from BellaOnline
Volume One, Issue Two
June 8, 2011
Dispatches from Angst-Land

Happy Hump Day! I'm writing a lot as I get the Adolescence site all prettied up, so I've decided to send out Wednesday and Sunday newsletters for the time being. I've had a busy week of learning the ropes at the Adolescence Site. I hope in the next couple of weeks to have it organized so you can find the resources and articles you need.

I know some of you are already in the heat of summer, but it's just barely spring here in the mountains. We had a good snowfall just about a week ago! I hope you come by the site and check out the articles I've written for you this week. I've been a busy little writer. And don't forget to come by the forums and say hey. There's a forum thread for every post I write, so we can get this conversation party started.

Shaunta XOXOX

School is out for just about everyone now. I'd love to hear about how your family has fun during the summer. Do your teenagers work during the off-school months? Are you going on vacation? What are your ideas for a great summer read (for you or your kids)? Are there any links or stories you'd like to see in any of the subjects on the site? Come on by the forums or drop me a line at and lets talk about it.
New Articles:

Health at Every Size for Adolescents

Health at Every Size makes fitness and nutrition about health and wellness, instead of weight and is a good way to introduce body acceptance to your teenager.

Four Ways to Foster a Love of Learning

Education and learning aren't the same thing. Some of the most innovative thinkers in the world know that. Fostering a love of learning, especially in a child who doesn't fit perfectly in a traditional school setting, nurtures their natural curiosity and keeps it growing.

Mama Reviews – Thor

The movie Thor is based on an Avengers comic book character. Read more for a Mama Review before letting your teenager watch it.
Upcoming Features:

The next several weeks at the Adolescence site are going to hop while I organize and update it.

Your feedback is so important to me. This site isn't just mine. It's yours, too. Let me know what you'd like to see here and the sort of features that would make a difference for you. Come by the forums or leave me a message through the contact box on the site.
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I blog everyday about body acceptance and athleticism at Live Once, Juicy ( I hope you'll come by and visit me there as well.

I'm in the midst of an indie publishing experiment as well. Check out ( for information about my upcoming Young Adult steampunk/dystopian novel, Freaks and the Revolution. And visit my Amazon page for information about my current release, a spicy romantic suspense. (That one's just for you!)
Shaunta Grimes
Adolescence Editor, BellaOnline

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