Genealogy Newsletter


July 22 2006 Genealogy Newsletter

Hi! Hope everyone is surviving this "HOT" summer. I wonder how our ancestors survived with no air conditioning or running water! We need to sit back when we are so overwhelmed with our lives and think how hard our ancestors had it.

Hope you enjoy this week's new articles:

The Weather and Our Ancestors

Disease Terminology P-R

Genealogy Family & Friends

Taking Advantage of Back to School Sales for Genealogy

Would love to see you in the Genealogy forum. Let us hear about your
success and brick walls:

I would like to end by sharing a tip from one of our readers:

My tip is to revisit websites from time to time that you have searched before.

About 50 years ago asked my paternal grandmother where her father came from. I think either I misremembered what she said or she mispronounced Belfast, Ireland (turned out to be close, but not quite the right location). The way I remember it sounding was more like Beljum. Unfortunately, her father died the week she was born in 1889. My grandmother was raised by her maternal aunt and uncle. Therefore, she was not always in her birth family home to hear the stories about her ancestry. As is true so often, I did not ask the older brothers the questions which might have helped when I started doing genealogy years later.

For years all I had was the 1880 census record and a minimal mention in the newspaper of his death (not one word about his wife, their six children or his birthplace). Then a person kindly shared an immigration record adding three sisters. When Ancestry added New York Emigrant Savings Bank, 1850-1883 I did not understand how a bank record could help. After I read that the bank was established by the Irish Emigrant Society, I decided to search it. A sister, Sarah Davidson was found (account no. 53635) with her husband Joseph H. Townsend in Paterson, New Jersey. Her bank record said she was from County Armagh. I was dancing on air for days. Finding the county in Ireland was my goal. Sadly, no other sister (Grace or Mary), their father James, nor their brother Henry (my great grandfather) were found in the bank's database. Several months later I realized I may not have tried alternate spellings. Eureka! James and his son Henry Davison had a joint account number 6124. Not only was County Armagh listed, but the townlands, James' late mother's and late wife's names with their maiden names!!! What a gift from a database I doubted would help. It paid to search again. This is also true of library collections. A new book may be added at any time with the needed information.

Sharen (Thanks Sharen!)

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