Homeschooling Newsletter


February 5 2008 Homeschooling Newsletter

Homeschooling Newsletter
February 5, 2008
Meg Grooms, Editor

In this newsletter:
1. Introduction
2. Homeschool Store
3. List of articles
4. Forum Activity
5. Closing

Welcome to another homeschooling newsletter from BellaOnline! I hope your winter is passing quickly and you are enjoying the first signs of spring. It’s February and in my experience that means it’s burn-out month! I’m not sure why February is the month so many people pick to crash and burn, perhaps it’s the effect of a long winter and being indoors, perhaps it’s the stress of tax season. Whatever the reason, take the time to relax, breathe deeply and prioritize your to do list. Burn-out can be avoided.

To avoid burn-out, or minimize its effects, try some of the following tips:
-if you don’t belong to a friendly support group try to find one

-if schoolwork is overwhelming your children (or you!) go back to the basics for a few weeks, reading & math only. The other stuff can usually wait.

-schedule one day a week to “fluff off”, or do nothing but have fun. Perhaps you can schedule a field trip or just play at the park. Scheduling time off is important in avoiding and treating burn-out

-Call a friend or two and vent!

We have lots of fresh content for you this week, including an article about narration. Narration is an effective method of learning and it allows a parent to assess a child’s understanding and retention without actually testing him. Narration is a large component in the Charlotte Mason style of education and can be used with very young children as well as older teens as it is so versatile.

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Articles featured this week:

Introducing Narration into your Homeschool

Narration is very useful in homeschooled regardless of the style of education you favor. When your child tells you about their day they are narrating. When a child shares a story from a book he is reading, he is narrating. Narration is useful as both a learning tool and a way to evaluate a child's level or understanding and retention.

Narration isn't restricted solely to language arts, however. Narration can be used to cover every topic your child studies. Narration is very useful in memorizing important dates, to gain understanding of a scientific topic and to ensure they have all the bases covered when performing a complicated mathematic calculation.

Using Computers in Your Homeschooling
Computers have become a staple in today's world, so much so that most of our children do not remember what life was like before these information boxes came into our lives. A computer and printer are two items I believe should be considered a necessity in every homeschool family. High speed internet access and multiple computers wirelessly connected are icing on the cake.

You don't have to have seven computers, a network and high speed internet, however, to benefit from using a computer in your homeschooling. A computer is an extremely useful tool for all homeschooling parents. Have you ever wondered how you can make the best use of your computer?

Homeschooling in Arizona
Everything you need to know about homeschooling in Arizona

The First Year of Homeschooling
The first year of homeschooling is often the most difficult. Learn how to tame your fears with confidence.
Forum Activity

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