OnlineServices Newsletter

Online Services

January 22 2012 Online Services Newsletter


I've written a 3 part series on how to utilize online services to stop junk mail. Hopefully, by using these sites you can "dump the junk" in 2012.

The new year is also the start of income tax season. I've updated my article on free online e-filing tax services. A few of the companies from last year have dropped out of the free file program and some of the remaining companies have changes their requirements.

Mail Preference Service DMA Choice Stop Junk Mail
You don't need to pay a service to reduce the amount of junk mail delivered to your home. With the investment of a little time, you can do it yourself for free. Reduce the amount of unwanted mail you receive each year by taking advantage of the current online options to opt-out.

Credit Card & Insurance Offers Stop Junk Mail
Credit Reporting Agencies routinely sell your information to businesses offering credit or insurance products using prescreening. Reduce your junk mail, by opting out of prescreened offers quickly and easily online.

Cancel Unwanted Catalogs Online Stop Junk Mail
Catalogs waste paper, take energy to produce and end up cluttering not only our homes, but the local landfill. Take control of your mail and cancel unwanted catalogs from one central location.

Prepare Taxes Online and E-file Free
If you have a straight forward return and meet certain requirements you can e-file your federal tax return for free online. Here are 14 online tax preparation services that will allow you to file your return for free.

Pass this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Kim Lynch, Online Services Editor
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