Hi Everyone, it's been a huge day here - the first of five days of our State Quilt Show. As VP, my job is to meet and greet and I've been doing that all day. Such wonderful people are quilters - lots of glowing faces and good to see you smiles. It's a pleasure to be in such lovely company. I'm afraid because it's been a long day, my newsletter will be brief this week, I hope you don't mind.
I posted another State Block last week - Tennessee. I've included a pdf with the templates for easier copying. Here's the link to that article.
Quilt Blocks of the States - Tennessee
A 12" pieced quilt block pattern from the "Quilt Blocks of the States" series.
I had a request from a reader about a certain Christmas Poem so I posted it onto the forum in the hope that someone out there knows the poem and can help.
I've also had another reader post a subject about personal stories of your favourite quilt. Here's the link to the home page of the Quilt forum:http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=43
My gift to you this week is a couple of lovely poems I came across during the week. I hope you enjoy them.
May you be free from cares and woes
when 'neath this quilt you seek repose.
Piece, piece, piece, and lo, a counter pane
May each person resting here
Find peace, sweet peace
And ne'er encounter pain ...Unknown
Quilts of Love
Quilts are soft, warm and comforting
A bit like families really
A lovely place to fall into when times are tough
A haven in colors of the rainbow
Unknown hands that have worked steadily to create
such wonderous items of love
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge! Cheerio for now and have fun quilting!
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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