Hi everyone, it’s been raining and quite humid day here today. The first day of summer for those in the southern hemisphere and the first of winter for those north of the equator. I’ve lived all my life in Australia and I find it very hard to get my head around the concept of a cold snowy Christmas – here it’s always hot and most Aussies make their way to the beach at some time during the day if they live nearby.
The really silly thing is that a lot of Aussie mums will cook a hot turkey and baked vegetable meal, even though the temperature is through the roof and their family is losing almost their whole body weight in perspiration. I guess that some traditions never fade away and as we were originally settled by the English, this tradition of a hot cooked feast is with us for ever more.
I had a super duppa day on Monday. Apart from being my birthday, I spent the day up on the Sunshine Coast with the Sunshine Linus group. We had a fabulous day, sorting fabric, cutting and sewing and talking (all at the same time of course!).
We are so thrilled to have such a grand group of ladies so willing to make for others in need. We are very grateful to the Uniting Church at Nambour for allowing us to use their beautiful hall and facilities. We’ve recently acquired a lockable cupboard, which means that we can leave most of our “stuff” there instead of carting it in and out each month.
There is really nothing like the buzz of twenty ladies busy creating wonderful quilts for children and others in need. I can recommend it to all!!
Last Sunday I posted my annual “Christmas Carol” for quilters. This year I’ve used the carol “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” and have changed the lyrics somewhat. I hope you enjoy it. Here’s the link to that article:
I want to tell you of a challenge that has come to my notice. It’s called the Jelly Roll Dream Challenge and there are lots of fantastic prizes to be one. Here’s the link to tell you all about it:
Well, onto my little gifts for you this week. Some fun stuff here, and some very useful stuff too.
http://www.ctpubblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/106761.pdf brighten up your decor with flowers.
http://happybabydesigns.blogspot.com/2010/04/car-playmat.html a fabulous car play mat
http://www.bhg.com/crafts/sewing/accessories/fleece-pillow-toys/;jsessionid=EMHOECM42GVUWCQCEAQSBHQ?page=1 cute fish and birdie pillows
http://craftapple.wordpress.com/2010/04/22/happy-circles-round-luggage-tag-tutorial/ luggage tags
http://makeitdo.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/im-all-a-buzz-nanette-from-fredas-hive-is-here/ great dishcloth pattern, and they look great.
http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=527 great for old chooks like me who always require a “soft spot” when outdoors.
http://www.maked.ca/shoetutorial.pdf I think I have a baby shoe fetish – I post a lot of these patterns don’t I?
http://craftygemini.blogspot.com/2010/06/black-white-quilt-along-block-3.html a very clear tute for making this patchwork block
http://www.merrimentdesign.com/gathered-dust-ruffle-bed-skirt-for-cribs-and-toddler-beds.php very pretty
Well, my dear friends, that’s all from me this week. I do hope life is rolling along nicely for you, and that you’re getting some time to spend doing a bit of quilting.
Till next time, keep happy,
Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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