Quilting Newsletter


March 23 2011 Quilting Newsletter

Hi Ho quilters, it’s just me a ‘knocking! Hope this newsletter finds you all in good shape and coping with the busy lives we lead today. I especially would like to send a cheerio to all the carers that receive this newsletter. I know that all over the world, there are carers, and usually family members looking after those who cannot look after themselves.

Without the generosity and grace of the carer, the world would be in a very big pickle indeed. If you know of someone that is caring for a relative, friend or another, drop them some home baking, or perhaps give them an afternoon respite, and take over for a few hours. You could even offer to drive carer and patient to the park or the beach for one hour. Just a thought!

I’m trying to get fit!! Ha! I’m very trying!! (That’s what my DH says). My problem is that I just can’t get myself motivated. Unfortunately the passion that I have for quilting and sewing,l means my rear end is usually on a chair. I have set up my ironing station on the other side of the room, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much for me, except wearing out a pair of joggers.

You see, when I have the choice of quilting or exercising, it’s a no brainer! If only we could hand sew and walk at the same time. If you have any ideas for getting fit AND quilting at the same time, pop over to the quilting forum and let me know. I really need some ideas and so does my spreading rear end! Here’s a link to the very subject: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/670894#Post670894

Last Sunday I introduced renowned quilter and fabric artist Helen White to the Bellaonline readers. Helen is an Australian (like myself) and it very accomplished at appliqué and quilt as you go techniques. I hope you enjoy the chat I have with Helen. Here’s the link for you to get to know Helen yourself: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10195.asp

Now for your little gifts from me this week.

http://sewtakeahike.typepad.com/sewtakeahike/2010/03/quilt-as-you-go-quiltalong-part-one.html A quilt as you go tutorial – been looking for one for you for ages!!!

http://www.bluecricketdesign.net/2010/09/giant-scrap-fabric-snake-by-fun-on-dime.html a softie snake make with lots of scraps

http://whipup.net/2010/09/16/2010-guest-blogger-series-disney-with-shoe-refashioning/ refashion your shoes the easy way

http://fromanigloo.blogspot.com/2010/03/scrappy-clutch.html a scrappy clutch that even I could make!!

http://andiejohnsonsews.blogspot.com/2011/01/yoga-mat-bag-tutorial.html for all the fit fillies out there, go knock yourselves out LOL!

http://strawberrypatchquiltworks.blogspot.com/2011/01/where-o-where.html this is a great idea for the little tots, and very easy to make also.

Must away, it’s a windy day here today and I’ve got a heap of washing to hang out.
Take care, and until next week, keep happy
Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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