Quilting Newsletter


April 24 2013 Quilting Newsletter

Hello dear readers, it’s a beautiful Autumn morning here, and it’s our most sacred day of the year for all Aussies all over the world – it’s Anzac Day. This is the day we remember and give thanks to all those brave men and women who have fought for our country, in all theatres of war.

It is a public holiday today, and when I was a young girl growing up, every shop and business would be closed for the whole day. Pubs would be given special dispensation to open after lunch because basically that’s where the majority of veterans would head to catch up with their mates and tell stories and yarns.

My dad served in the Navy in Korea and so this was a very special day for him. He would head off fairly early to be at the dawn service with tens of hundreds of other servicemen and women. The Governor General of Australia, and the Prime Minister usually attended this service because it was held in the capital city of Australia, Canberra.

My sisters and mother and I would all pile into my aunties car and head off to the War Memorial in time to see Dad and his fellow crewmen, marching in their unit, down Anzac Avenue, heads held high.

Dad wouldn’t be seen by us till the next day. He would arrive home, somewhat worse for wear, usually after we’d gone to bed. We never heard him arrive home, and he would be up and going the next morning – business as usual. Can’t say my mother was thrilled with his behaviour on that day, but just like most other wives, mothers and sisters, she would quietly give thanks that her man had survived and was home with his family.

My thoughts especially go to those who have served in recent conflicts. Many returned servicemen and women are being diagnosed with PTSD as a result of seeing action. Thank heavens we’re now recognising this terrible ailment and are working towards helping these soldiers to recover fully.
I wrote an article about Anzac Day on the Australia site last week, you might like to have a look at it. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art66167.asp

Also, I follow a rather unique little blog, called the Pot Hole Gardener. It is a worldwide movement that encourages people to create miniature gardens out of potholes and otherwise ugly broken pieces of pathway and roads in their local neighbourhoods. A Kiwi has posted this little gem, in recognition of Anzac Day. Have a look: http://thepotholegardener.com/2013/04/24/anzac-day-garden/.

Anyway……… I received a request from a reader for some ballet themed quilt patterns so I went surfing and came up with this lot. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art180289.asp

Hi to all the girls having chats on the forum. You can join them here: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/817930#Post817930

My apologies for being so long winded this week. Must be something I ate!! Anyway, here are some goodies for you to browse through at your leisure. Have fun!

http://www.happytogethercreates.com/2011/06/cute-as-button-wall-art-tutorial.html a pretty wall hanging for your baby room, perhaps you could hand embroider the words!

http://housetohome2012.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/jan-22nd-crib-rail-blanket-rack.html where it says blanket read quilts, quilts, quilts,

http://imquilternity.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/heart-quilt-blocks-garland.html pretty heart quilt blocks

http://weshallsew.blogspot.com/2011/12/quilted-tree-tutorial.html I know it’s not Christmas yet, but this is a great tutorial and the finished product is gorgeous.

http://craftygemini.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/abc-123-fabric-flashcard-workshop.html cute flash cards to make

http://www.rileyblakedesigns.com/cutting-corners/2012/08/10/candy-pincushions/ a cute pincushion to make

http://thecraftymummy.com/2012/07/quilting-tip-binding/ clever tips for binding your quilt

http://www.incrediblethings.com/art-design/the-subway-slide-makes-commuting-fun/ who could resist this? I would have a go as long as there’s someone strong enough to help me get up at the bottom!!

http://www.flamingotoes.com/2012/05/sewing-tool-caddy/ cute sewing caddy

Again, sorry for being a bit more wordy than normal this week. I hope this newsletter finds you well and doing something you really like. I’ll pop in next week. Till then, take care.
Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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