Quilting Newsletter


April 8 2010 Quilting Newsletter

Hi Bella Quilters, I’m just popping in for a quick chat, hope all’s well at your place.

Have you ever wondered what happens in your sewing room at night, when all is quiet and you’re fast asleep? Well, I think there’s some high jinks going on at my place, I really do! At night when I leave the room, I turn off the lights, the TV, and the computer. When I come back into the room in the morning, it looks like there’s been a party going on!! Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! I’m sure I don’t leave it in such a mess each night, SURELY!!

It’s been another busy week for me; my daughter came and stayed for a few days. She was out more than she was in, and that’s expected as she has lots of friends to keep in touch with. It was lovely just having her in our home again, having her chatter fill the house.

I also was busy with gatherings on most days this past week. Yesterday I spent the day with my Linus friends, and we sewed up a storm. There was binding being wound onto cards, hand stitching of labels and bindings, cutting and ironing of squares, and some machining of weighted blanket squares. All this under the kind eye of our co-ordinator, Ruby, who does the most splendid job of ensuring that we all have something to do, both at our Linus gatherings and at home in the meantime.

I’m hope to be starting a Sunshine Linus group in June. We have a venue available, thanks Penny at the Patchwork Angel (www.patchworkangel.com.au). The idea is that we can make and distribute quilts, weighted blankets and other necessary creations to the needy on the Sunshine Coast. I’m very excited, because I’ve had many girls from there ask if we could get a group going.

Last Sunday I posted an interview with the Nifty Fifty Quilters, who are a very active quilt group who do good deeds for those in need. Here’s the link to that article: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art6343.asp
There’s been some chatter on the forum these past few weeks. Pop over to have a catch up. Here’s the link:

Now, onto my gifts for you this week. I’ve found some pretty interesting things, sometimes not quilting related, but I think you’ll be interested anyway. So here goes:

http://littledeartracks.blogspot.com/2010/04/make-your-own-iron-on-transfers.html Wow, fantastic, I’m hooked!!

http://kathyhaynie.blogspot.com/2010/03/fabric-balls-craft-tutorial.html Cute Fabric Balls for Baby

http://sewing.craftgossip.com/tutorial-sew-a-fabric-watchband/2010/01/05/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+craftgossip%2FxQGh+%28Craft+Gossip%29 Watchband made from fabric

http://www.threadsmagazine.com/item/3737/identifying-treasures-in-your-button-stash Button Treasures

Well, I must away, have a lovely week ahead, and I'll pop in again, briefly next week.
Cheerio for now, and have fun quilting
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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