Quilting Newsletter


June 11 2013 Quilting Newsletter

Hello to all my readers of the Quilting website of Bellaonline. It’s that time again for me to say hello and catch up with you through this wonderful medium of electronic email. Can you remember what we did without it?

Back in the days before computers, I can recall receiving various newsletters in the letterbox, once per month. None of these newsletters came free. I remember paying a fee for printing and postage. I currently subscribe to about 15 different free newsletters that arrive on my computer at various times during the week.

This wonderful computer age has come with many benefits but of course there is a downside. I love that I can get on the computer and go “googling” to find anything I might be interested in. I appreciate that I can contact people across the world in seconds. I am thankful that I can follow my children in their travels around the world, and stay in communication at the touch of a finger.

I think one of the downsides of the advent of the computer age is that it has made us very impatient. We expect things to happen very quickly and “why not right now?” When you’re a quilter or needleworker of any kind, being impatient isn’t a good look. Luckily, there are crazy quilters around the world who spend every waking hour devising great techniques for making quilts quicker and more accurately.

To that end, my weekly article that I posted last Sunday is a tutorial for the popular technique of making not one, not two, not three but four flying geese units at once!! Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art180715.asp

I’ve posted a question on the forum and I invite you to offer your suggestions. I would like to know what things you think have improved for quilters, since the computer age. What did we do before that we can’t do now, and conversely, what could we not do then, that we can do so easily today? Have your say here: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/825601#Post825601

Here’s a smattering of goodies for you to have a look through. I hope you find something that tickles your fancy:

http://twocheekymonkeysdesigns.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/how-to-sew-fabric-bow.html a simple fabric bow tutorial

http://www.craftaholicsanonymous.net/adorable-pin-cushion-tutorial-kits just how I like them – colourful

http://www.cluckclucksew.com/2012/10/scout.html a great quilt pattern here

http://www.yellowspool.com/embroidery-hoop-thread-rack/ a clever idea for storage of threads and bobbins

http://luannkessi.blogspot.com.au/2010/08/quilt-label-tutorial.html great quilt label tutorial

http://jembellish.blogspot.com.au/2010/09/bed-pockets-tutorial.html a great tidy idea – bed pockets!

http://blog.caseybrowndesigns.com/2011/03/springtime-accessories-fabric-necklace-tutorial/ I’ve noticed these are coming back into fashion

http://whileshenaps.typepad.com/whileshenaps/2012/11/5-simple-tips-for-writing-sewing-patterns-your-customers-will-love.html for those that are blogging and writing tutorials, here’s some tips for you.

Well, dear readers, I must away and get on with my busy day. We’re celebrating the fourth birthday of our craft group Sisters of Stitch. We meet at the local library and very fittingly we have purchased about 50 books for four year olds, and these will be donated to the Royal Children’s Hospital School Library for the long term patients to enjoy.

I’ll have some pictures after today and I’ll post them on my blog here: http://whenlifehandsyouscraps.blogspot.com.au
Have a good week and I’ll pop in again next Wednesday. Till then, stay well and happy.

Cheerio for now
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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