Quilting Newsletter


June 21 2011 Quilting Newsletter

Hello once again, dear quilting friends, I hope this email finds you well and getting some quilting done. As John Lennon once said “Life happens while you’re busy making other plans”. It is so true. Here we are in the middle of the year (again), seems only yesterday we were celebrating the New Year.

I do try to get some order and routine into my days, but sometimes things go very pear shaped and I wonder why I bother to be organised. I wasn’t always an organised person. I can remember in my youth being very slapdash about my belongings and responsibilities, much to the frustration of my mother.

Now, there was a very organised person. With four daughters to manage, a full time job and an often absent father, she ruled the home with an iron look. You know THE LOOK. I think mothers are born with this look. Just one look and you’d be taking the trash can out or eating that final piece of pumpkin, that’s been sitting cold on your plate for the last 20 minutes.

Well, I survived it all and thanks to my Mother, I am an organised person. Most of the time. Sometimes that 13 year old breaks out and goes feral for a few days, but then disappears leaving a room that looks like a bomb went off overnight. Yes, Mum, I’m cleaning it up.

Last week I posted an article about a wonderful Quilting documentary I received to review. It’s called Stitched the film. It is really terrific and a great way to experience the event that is the biggest quilt show in the US – the 2010 International Quilt Festival in Houston. The film follows three renowned quilters as they prepare their entries for that show. Please have a read of this review, here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art172109.asp

We’ve only had one addition to the quilt acronyms article on the forum. Dewdrop38 has contributed CREATE (can’t remember ever acting this excited). I thought we might refer to “create” moments from now on. Thankyou Dewdrop38 that was very inspired. Anyone else got an acronym to contribute? Here’s the link for you: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/696968#Post696968

Here’s my selection of little wonders for you this week. Hope you enjoy them.

http://stitchindye.blogspot.com/2009/08/hex-pincushions.html forgive me, a hexi pincushion

http://madquilter.blogspot.com/2009/01/square-base-water-bottle-carrier-tote.html water bottle tote = great idea

http://patspattering.blogspot.com/2011/02/criss-cross-coasters-another-way.html this is a nice quickie sewing technique

http://www.craftpassion.com/2010/03/recycle-tutorial-woven-rag-rug.html love the idea of recycling fabrics and this is a wonderful use of them

http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2011/01/shoe-sugar-month-day-16-insole-heaven.html these look gorgeous, but I don’t quite get the point. Who’s going to see?

http://monkeyseemonkeydo-jennifer.blogspot.com/2011/01/stuffed-dinosaur-tutorial-pattern.html gorgeous dinosaur softie to make for your little man

http://www.bhg.com/crafts/sewing/accessories/six-pocket-bag/?page=1 a lovely bag pattern, and easy to make

That’s all from me this week folks, I must get on with my day. Hope you’ve got a busy day ahead and some quilting to finish off tonight.
Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor

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