Hi everyone! Wow, What a week! I have been teaching in Cohuna, Victoria for a huge Quilting Retreat run by the quilters of this gorgeous little village, on the Murray River, which divides New South Wales and Victoria.
I taught two, one day workshops on needle turn appliqué and Celtic appliqué and I had a ball. My sister Jennifer was able to attend these workshops with me and it was a delight to have my sister in the class. The wonderful ladies who chose to do my classes were from a variety of lifestyles from Hairdressers & Farmers to business owners and great grandmothers.
I must say the country hospitality was outstanding and the food SCRUMPTUOUS!! Everything was baked from scratch and tasted yummy. We had a night’s entertainment on both nights and were very well taken care of at our accommodation.
I arrived back home late Monday afternoon, completely exhausted but elated. I can thoroughly recommend any quilters retreat for a fun time and a chance to gain a few pounds!!
Last Sunday I posted an article on Scissors. Here’s the link to that article for you:
Lots of chat on the forum. Pop over there if you’d like to contribute to the conversation. Here’s the link: http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/forums/43/1/Quilting
So onto my goodies for this week. Have fun!
http://domesticesq.com/2011/05/31/weekend-project-happy-stacker/ a happy stacker for your infant
http://blissfullydomestic.com/fun-bliss/crafts-fun-bliss/make-a-homemade-magnetic-fishing-game/73340/ a fun fishing game to make for the kids
http://dailypicksandflicks.com/2011/08/29/the-art-of-clean-up-picture-gallery/ this one is for all the OCD mums out there. Enjoy!!
http://sewhappygeek.co.uk/index.php/2012/03/20/olivia-fabric-shoppe-sponsored-baby-quilt-patterntutorial/ a pretty baby quilt to make – a great tutorial
http://www.themotherhuddle.com/tutorial-diy-ruffle-flip-flops-sandals/ bespoke flip flops to make
http://www.make-it-do.com/make-it/needles-on-the-go/ I’m going to make these for Christmas gifties for my sewing group
http://heatherbailey.typepad.com/links/springviolets.html my heart missed a beat when I saw this gorgeous pincushion
http://www.sewsweetness.com/2012/02/tutorial-planetary-mini-quilt.html just love circles in quilting
http://janeville.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/recycled-circles.html a little bit of art quilt eye candy
Well, dear quilters, It’s time for me to say goodbye for this week. I do hope this newsletter finds you well and warm and/or cool, whatever you prefer in your neck of the world.
Cheerio for now and keep those fingers busy!
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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