Hi everyone, welcome to another edition of Quilters Quarters Newsletter from BellaOnline – Quilting. It’s been another screamer of a week just past, for me, and I’m sure I’ve lost weight with all this running around!
(Wishful thinking I’m sure). As you know I’m the VP of the state quilt guild for Queensland (we’re called the Queensland Quilters Inc, or 2Q for short). In October each year we present a very large Quilt show. As a big part of our fundraising for the year, we make two Raffle Quilts that are to be raffled at the show. A first prize, which is usually a “big event” quilt and a second prize, usually a quilt for a child. We spend a great deal of time deciding on a pattern and fabric and then of course getting busy making the quilts. We have to start at the end of the previous year as we like to show the quilt at our State Show (which I imagine is equivalent to the State Fairs in the States), which occurs in August.
Well, the big news is that the "big event" Quilt that is to be the first prize in our raffle, and is a mixture of pieced and appliquéd blocks has won its own category AND Best of Show!! We’re over the moon with this result. So much effort goes into this raffle quilt and it’s wonderful to receive recognition for such a huge effort of many keen quilters.
Do you show your quilts or handwork for judging? I’ve entered my quilts in various shows for a number of years now. I always put them in for judging as I believe it helps me to know “where I fit” in the scheme of things. I especially like the juried shows that leave comments on your quilts. There’s nothing truer than feedback from a complete stranger who really has no stake in a friendship with you, and can be (sometimes) brutally honest about your creation.
I also enjoy needlework (quilting and needlework go hand in hand I think), and this year entered a piece of white work into the State Show and it has won First Prize in its category. This piece I called Eau de Nil after the colour of the thread I used. It was my own design and the challenge I set myself was to cover as much linen as possible, which I achieved. I like to create my own designs as I find I can’t stick to a published design without making changes as I go along. So sometime ago I abandoned the idea of using a published pattern and just create as I go along.
A funny story… after I entered this piece for judging I received a call from a show steward to say that the judge wouldn’t judge my piece unless it was accompanied with all my design notes to prove that it really was my own design and not some other persons pattern. I laughed a huge belly laugh and explained that – that was why I create my own designs – so I don’t have to follow a pattern on paper – even mine!!!
Anyway, I’ve prattled on enough. My article that was posted last Sunday is for all quilters. “Handy measurements for quilters in the art of quilt making”. Simple information like bed sizes, how to measure a custom made bed for a quilt and how to calculate the backing sizes required for quilts. Information that will always come in handy for someone attempting to make a quilt. Here’s the link: http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10199.asp
In keeping with my “competition” theme of this newsletter I have a rather lovely gift for you this week. I invite you to go to: http://interweave.com/needle/projects/Pincushion-2008-Web-Article.pdf
This site was sent to me by a friend and it really blows me away. These pictures are of prize winning entries for a recent Pincushion competition. Especially check out the patchwork pincushions. Unreal, banana peel!! (As my kids used to say!!).
Well, that's all from me this week. Keep well and happy and I'll catch up next Wednesday.
Cheerio for now and have fun quilting!
Judie Bellingham, Quilting Editor
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