"The color of the object illuminated partakes of the color of that which illuminates it." Leonardo da Vinci
"Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment." Claude Monet
"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for." Georgia O'Keeffe
"You can't be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You must choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be color." Vincent van Gogh
Here's the latest article from the Sewing site at BellaOnline.com.
Sewing and Color’s Influence
Sewers can take advantage of current research in color and theories of color perception and use this color information in the selection of fabrics and textiles for garment construction, crafting, sewing contemporary fashion accessories, and home décor.
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Warm regards,
Cheryl Ellex, Sewing Editor
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