astronomy Newsletter


March 24 2019 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here are the two latest articles from the Astronomy site at

Boötes - the Herdsman
This ancient constellation contains black holes as massive as a billion Suns, extrasolar planets and has acquired a meteor shower from an extinct neighbor. Its brightest star, a red giant 25 times the diameter of the Sun, is a sign that spring is here.

Luna - Earth's Daughter
The Moon has always been our celestial companion, lighting the night, its changes serving as a calendar. What is it, where did it come from, why do we only see one side of it, what is our future together?

Boötes has been updated, new information added and links repaired and improved. The Moon article is a new one to replace a sketchier one from many years ago.

*Birth anniversaries*
(1) March 14, 1879: Albert Einstein
(2) March 14, 1855: Giovanni Schiaparelli. Italian astronomer whose map of Mars was a standard reference in planetary cartography.
(3) March 14, 1935: Eugene Cernan. Apollo 17 Commander and the last man to walk on the Moon.
(4) March 15, 1932: Alan Bean. Apollo 12 Lunar Module Pilot.
(5) March 15, 1713: Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille. French astronomer who surveyed the southern hemisphere stars and invented 14 constellations still in use.
(6) March 16, 1750: Caroline Herschel. One of the first women to be paid as an astronomer, she discovered eight comets and a number of deep-sky comets, and was an invaluable assistant to her brother William.
(7) March 17, 1930: Jim Irwin. Apollo 15 Lunar Module Pilot.
(8) March 21, 1865. Antonia Maury. American astronomer best known for her work at Harvard College Observatory.
(9) March 23, 1749: Pierre-Simon Laplace. Brilliant French mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who is sometimes called "France's Newton".

Please visit for even more great content about Astronomy. I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I welcome your feedback!  

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I wish you clear skies.

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor

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