astronomy Newsletter


March 25 2015 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here's the latest article from the Astronomy site at

Meteors and Meteorites – Facts for Kids
What's the difference between meteors and meteorites? And what is a meteoroid? Are they different from shooting stars, falling stars and fireballs?

*Titan discovered 360 years ago*
On March 25, 1655 Christian Huygens discovered Saturn's biggest moon. It didn't get a name at the time, but nearly two centuries later got the very appropriate name of Titan. Huygens was a Dutch mathematician, astronomer, telescope-maker, diplomat, and all-around very clever person. You can read more about Saturn's planet-sized moon here:

When NASA's Cassini mission went to Saturn to study the planet and its system of moons and rings, it took a passenger. It was the European Space Agency's lander called Huygens, which landed on Titan and took this picture:

*Lunar eclipse coming up*
If the equinox solar eclipse missed your city, there's a good chance that the lunar eclipse on April 4 will be coming your way. Here's a map and animation of the upcoming eclipse: If you want more information about the eclipse in your city, here's an eclipse calculator with a city lookup: It does look as though for many people the eclipse will be visible – weather permitting – but at a rather unsociable time of night.

For more about lunar eclipses:

*Favorite Hubble image - 25th anniversary*
Here are the two pairs of images in the semi-finals: You can vote here:

*Help to names features on Pluto*
NASA's New Horizons mission is nearing Pluto, and will be at its closest in mid-July. At last, we will learn about the former planet / current dwarf planet / gateway to the Kuiper Belt. Instead of two bodies with blurred features, we will see Pluto and its major moon Charon with surface detail. But places on maps need names. The public can suggest relevant names to use on Pluto and vote for them. Here's the voter's guide and it's very interesting: I've learned lots of new things. The closing date is April 7, so don't procrastinate if you're interested!

Please visit for even more great content about Astronomy.

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I welcome your feedback!

Do pass this message along to family and friends who might also be interested. Remember it's free and without obligation.

I wish you clear skies.

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor

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