astronomy Newsletter


March 28 2016 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here's the latest article from the Astronomy site at

Water Water Everywhere
Earth is a watery planet, the only one in the Solar System with surface oceans. Although there's a lot of water here, there seemed to be little or none elsewhere. Fortunately, space telescopes and space probes have detected what we couldn't find before, and there now seems to be water everywhere.

*Birth Anniversaries*
March 21, 1866: Antonia Maury was an American astronomer (and one of the Harvard “computers”) who did pioneering work on stellar spectra. She was the granddaughter of John William Draper, a pioneer in astrophotography.
March 23, 1749: Pierre-Simon Laplace was the French equivalent of Isaac Newton. His mathematical genius gave a framework to astronomy and the related physics in his five-volume work Mécanique Céleste (Celestial Mechanics).
March 24, 1893: Walter Baade worked for many years at Mt Wilson Observatory in California. He discovered that there are two types of Cepheid variable stars, and his calculation of the size of the known Universe was double that of Edwin Hubble. (The Cepheids are used as distance calculators.)

*The first photograph of the Moon*
March 23, 1840: John William Draper took the first successful photograph of the Moon.

March 25, 1655: Dutch astronomer, physicist, mathematician Christiaan Huygens discovered Titan, Saturn's largest Moon.
March 28, 1802: German astronomer Heinrich Olbers discovered the asteroid Pallas.
March 29, 1807: Olbers discovered the asteroid Vesta.

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I wish you clear skies.

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor
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